Engine emission (smoke, fire) position changed?

Discussion in 'Car Modding' started by Lazza, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Hi all,

    Has anyone noticed engine smoke/fire coming from a different position recently? A private open-wheeler mod 'suddenly' has smoke coming from just in front of the driver, which I confirmed in devmode, so I tried the rtrainer which has:

    EngineEmission=(0.00, 0.60,-0.15) // where flames and smoke are emitted (relative to ref frame at rear axle)
    ... and when I got the engine smoking (had to reduce the lifetimeoiltemp, because reaching 120+ was going to take a long time) it was at the front axle. I believe the above line should mean 0.15m ahead of the rear axle.

    Even more confusing, the private mod I'm playing with has the Z position at -0.75, which in reality is about where the engine is but as I said appeared in front of the driver; I changed it to 1.0 (that's positive, which unless I'm being tricked by morning brain should be towards the rear of the car) and the smoke emanated from in front of the front axle. So it moved further forwards.

    Does anyone know if this has changed at some point? We haven't had many engine blowups so I can't say for sure if the position was right in the past... but that rtrainer test seems dodgy.

    I was concerned the enginesound line may have the same issue, but from a quick test in the rtrainer (moving to different onboard cams) the position appeared to be about right - with identical parameters to the emission line.

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