[WIP] EnduranceRacingX PX by URD Pre-order with beta access available!

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by UnitedRacingDesign, May 4, 2015.

  1. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    if I had to guess I'd say it's probably linked to what ISI told about supporting paid mods. This could end up bringing much better results. And to be honest with them putting more focus on the "Not rF3" they don't have another choice other than pushing this quickly
  2. StrawmanAndy

    StrawmanAndy Registered

    Jul 5, 2014
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    I hope ISI isn't supporting them. It's been frustrating time waiting on URD to release the goods that have been promised. The lack of communication and honesty has got to me now. AC has got stuff than rF2, and this free present we were promised? Where is it? Still nothing. The physics on the LMP are flawed too; it's not bad it's just got issues and flaws in the files. Ones I have said about three times and they say thank you but don't bother to fix them.

    I question why I invested into URD. No doubt that their early work was brilliant for rF2, it definitely filled a hole in the rF2 modding community. But now, it's a joke. It would be fair enough if you were working on stuff but there is no communication and no prove either.

    People complain about ASR recent donation but I question why. At least you pay the $2.50 and you get the full mod you expect rather than paying and then get just four cars out a big promised list.
  3. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    If ISI supporting them means it will be more consistent and more content... yeah let's all wish it won't happen because some people decided to pay early for a product from a MODDING team and expect them to act like a big gaming company. Even these companies can't keep their word sometimes but let's expect it from a modding group, makes sense :D
  4. PearceYaussy

    PearceYaussy Registered

    Apr 23, 2013
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    For #2, you can set all the camera movement controls to your keyboard, and use this and the free mouse look to put the camera anywhere you want.

    These controls are empty be default.
  5. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Well guys, what do you expect?!
    It is all about money! AC had more client and more potential mods payers so URD is almost ignoring rf2 and works so hard for AC! Money moves the word so they moved to AC...lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. SunBro

    SunBro Registered

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Dude, i have both rf2 and ac and believe me we've been waiting for an update too. This is getting really irritating. I will think twice before buying a urd beta product again. Their finished packages are outstanding but they just take so long to make. So i'd rather wait with my money in my hand rather than wait with my money in their pockets.
  7. StrawmanAndy

    StrawmanAndy Registered

    Jul 5, 2014
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    Pretty sure the AC team isn't the same as the rF2 team. They use the same model but I think it's run by two different people.

    It's not because AC is more popular, seems that one team is being more efficient than the other. And money isn't there only motivate. I don't see AC having a massive Prototype and GT league like the VEC. Which was started by URD work....
  8. Lgel

    Lgel Registered

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I believe you forget an important fact, RF2 is a much more sophisticated sim, it requires much more skills and work to mod than AC (the difference is really very important).

    So same speed to deliver goods on both environments is simply impossible.

    This sophistication is not an excuse to take the money of customers without providing what they were promised in a reasonable time frame (this mod is not the first product of URD in RF2, so ignorance is not an excuse).

    Just my 2 cents, and as always I may be wrong.

  9. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    This is what i have sayed few times.

    We are just keeping off from forums at the moment as it does take time all the time to catch up on that. Im here every day checking if something is urgent but i dont want to give any dates at the moment. With me only and except 1 sound guy working on rF2 its bit slower than before.
  10. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    We are not going to make any beta version from now on in such way. I would probably do same as you but we are going to finish the product plus adding more.
  11. SunBro

    SunBro Registered

    Apr 16, 2015
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    I know you will finish it. Never once have i doubted it. It's the incredibly long wait that's killing us. Other modders are keeping us waiting too. But they are for free so we can't really complain about them :)

    And to all the "ac is more important for urd" complainers: i have both rf2 and ac versions of every package and i don't remember getting the ac version of a package before the rf2 version. They progress at the same time. And if there has been an instance of ac or rf2 being more important, it's because of game changes. Like adding cpm to rf2 package or updating the tire model in ac. Just as rf2 version needs updating, AC version seriously needs to get updated to v7 too.
  12. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I would suggest completing cars and sell them one by one as they are finished. 5-10 Euro each. Would be worth experimenting with this method at least.
  13. Travis

    Travis Registered

    Dec 7, 2012
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    That would be a real shame as there are just as many of us with URD mods for both AC and rF2 that are happy with the mods being completed in the current time frame too. I'll happily join the next URD 'beta' as I've got plenty of other mods, official content and other sims to muck about with. I know the end product will be first class & so I'm not bothered by the time taken. Please consider giving current customers a choice to join the beta (and stipulate the mod will take time to complete) or to wait for complete releases.

    All I'd ask for is a bit more info as to how the mods are progressing. There no need for launch dates or other such info; don't over promise and under deliver. A status update of how each mod is progressing every 2-4 weeks is fine.
  14. steviejb

    steviejb Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    This. The issue a lot of people have had is the lack of communication about what is really going on. People want to know what is going on with a product that they have put money towards. Whether that's updates to already released content or new stuff that's coming out. It's quite easy for people to jump to conclusions, especially when they've put money towards something. Please keep us in the loop as to what's going on, even if it's currently nothing. I think we'd rather know that no progress is being made instead of building up our hopes of an update coming imminently and everything going silent for a couple of months.

    The whole reason we've seen the growing frustration is because of the investment people have made, lack of information on said investment, then having hopes built up to have than brought crashing back down through silence. Truly, just try and keep people up to date every couple of weeks and half the frustration I've seen directed towards URD on this forum and the Facebook page would subside.

    This isn't meant as an attack at all, just some constructive feedback of what I've seen going on.
  15. buddhatree

    buddhatree Registered

    Dec 22, 2011
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    Beta versions are fine and I'm not concerned with how long they take.

    But the stuff we already purchased.... rF2 no longer supports multi-comp mods, but T5 is still multi-comp. I've been waiting since January 2015 for T5 update. Same with Endurance mod. Waiting for update. Those are not finished mods but they are sold as finished with updates coming.

    AC has gotten updates to Endurance mod and T5. rF2 still waiting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2016
  16. MHansen

    MHansen Registered

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Hi Alless,

    Is it possible for you to update the template including the original colors, decals etc.

  17. MHansen

    MHansen Registered

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Hi Alless,

    Is it possible for you to update the template including the original colors, decals etc.

  18. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    Sorry, yes i will do that with update.
  19. Flaux

    Flaux Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Had the chance to test the new physics with the c7r and it feels good to me. Will you include updates for the audio with the egt cars? They are still very quiet compared to the Prototypes from trackside.
  20. Tortue G

    Tortue G Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I tried to contact URD by PM and e-mail too, but I don't receive answer...

    I own the EGT and DTM2013 since the launch of them, but I don't receive updates since a long time, and I know that they are updates available since my last mod version.
    I don't think that it's a problem with my e-mail address because I still receive Assetto Corsa T5, EGT and PX...

    Can you send me the lasts links (I can wait the next update if it's soon ;) ) for my mods?, I don't played rFactor2 since a lot of month, but I want to give it a new try with good mods :) .


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