
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bobs40, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Kknorpp001

    Kknorpp001 Banned

    May 5, 2012
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    Try Corvette, 60' F1 and Skip Barber car. Once you will learn how to drive them nothing will ever surprise you. I mean it.

    Couldn't agree more WRT 60s F1 and Skippy at least because I don't drive the Vette. HOWEVER, first the guy needs to get around the track so these cars are only going to frustrate him more ATM. I personally drive the Spark F1 exclusively. Bone stock. Full tank of gas. Clutch + h-shifter. And I am I not aware of a single other person that does this and there are only a handful of people I know that even drive 60s F1 at all. It truly is a crying shame that people do not learn how to drive this car because it completely dwarfs and renders everything one-dimensional by comparison. I simply cannot drive anything else other than the Skipoy on a VERY tight and technical track that demands my full and unwavering focus.

    Now back on topic. If you are having trouble getting around the track do the following:

    1. Make sure there is nothing technical going on with you hardware or software setup. Mainly wheel settings and make sure all assists are OFF. Trust me. If possible, post a video of you driving shot from behind you so we can see you and your physical wheel and also the screen.
    2. Start with 60s F3 car.
    3. Please, please, please forget about drifting, just for now so we can get you around the track first.
    4. Study how to drive and sincerely practice the techniques. We all have things to learn, practice and remember. That is why sim racing never gets old!
    5. Drifting in rf2 is NOTHING like drifting in other games, especially those designed to make drifting easy. I have dedicated myself fully to 60s F1 and can drift the thing like art but my ability to do so started with learning how to go fast, balance the car and understand where the limit is so I can push just past the limit and drift all four wheels to my hearts content for insane distances and with unimaginable accuracy.

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