Driver swap issue: missing cars in monitor when joining as a spectator

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by knackko, May 9, 2017.

  1. knackko

    knackko Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Last Saturday, Old Drivers Spirit did their first endurance race with driver swap ! But most of drivers knows driver swap with rFactor and we take time to test it on rFactor2.

    But during the 6 hours race, drivers swap was impossible for some drivers: when joining the server as a spectator to do the driver swap, most of the cars did not load in the monitor.
    It seems that only the drivers who were not spectating at the beginning of the race had the issue.
    My team was OK with that: we were both connected to the server at the start of the race, one as a driver, one as a spectator and we never exit from rFactor2.

    Knowing the issue before the end of the race, I did and exit from game and try to come back as a spectator: the issue was there ! only 3 or 4 cars were loaded instead of 18, I try it 2 times, last time I take a trace from the game.

    Other teams where a driver exists the game and try to rejoin the server while his team mate where driving had the issue.

    With that issue, for some team, only one driver was able to do the race! some of them did 4 hours, on bathurst with Endurance Series mod, they were quite exhausted, so we decided to end the race after 4 hours.

    That's a pity as we were all enjoying the race and that was respectful (GTE and LMP2 on Bathurst!) but this issue force us to stop the race before the end and some of drivers did not drive at all !

    So now, we wonder this kind of issue is known by leagues or studio397? if there is workaround/things to take care about? or it can be only fixed in a new build?

    I will join XML file of the race and the rFactor2 when joining the server with only 4 cars loaded
  2. knackko

    knackko Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    It may be not the right place for this post?
    No one already encountered this issue?
  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Probably no league has run an endurance race since the dx11 update beta program began. One of the forums here is specifically for online racing. Perhaps you could re-ask the question there.

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