As per title, every time i close one of my servers it freezes at the confirmation message "are you sure you want to exit?". The only way at this point is to close it through the task manager. It started to do this after the last update. It happen only when the uptime is big, it doesn't happen after a session change. Best way to reproduce the issue so is to open a server with 165min of practice and close it at the end of the session. Windows Server 2012 I have 5 different installations of the dedi tool and all of them have the same issues. Is not a big issue itself but perhaps it can be useful when tracking the other big issues occurred during the 24h race.
Has this been resolved in the latest dedicated server build ? I thought my server was up-to-date, but possibly it's not as this problem still exists.
Hasn’t been fixed to my knowledge...workaround is to restart weekend first and then it will close properly