It's a limitation of the HTTP server/client that is built into the dedi and game. Web servers don't accept special characters. It is up to the web browser to escape them before submitting the request to the server. For example, a space in a URL gets escaped to %20. ISI didn't account for special characters in the URL handling. So it is up to us to not use special characters in the file name.
server wasn't running when I changed the name but like I said I didn't go past the initial 'choose game database'. it still said @ so assumed it would fail but I just tested it now and even though it still says @ I was able to connect. I now understand your last sentence So the initial time we start to create a new mod package is where it asks for the mod name and this is what the package is called. Which is ironically kinda broken because it initially gives you a starter of "My New Mod" which as just pointed out has spaces. I will point out that here it is almost impossible to get a special character 'typed' into the name. next choose track next choose mod done This next screen is where you can re-name the mod. 2nd line down - Mod Name: is this bit here what appears in MM? - is this also what appears in game database also? 3rd line down is rfmod name(your initial 'My New Mod' unless you changed it. can we edit the rfmod once it is made? I did have a quick try this morning but it wasn't showing any mod or track but when trying to install mod/track it said they were already in.
I put my answers in red. You bring up a damn good point about "My New Mod". Hahaha. It's okay to use "My New Mod" on that very first screen as long as the file name is fixed. It would be great if MAS2 automatically replaced the spaces in the file name like this "My_New_Mod".