Hello all, As many people, I purchased the latest pack to get the 4 items it contents but not all of them are present in my game, is it normal or do I have to worry ? Regards
did you give Steam time to download all 4 items? Look at the bottom of the rF2 Steam page, it should list if downloads are in progress or completed.
It was 30 minutes ago and I have a 10 Gb/s internet connection, I think it really had enough time, not to mention I had the 4 items downloaded but not all of them are present in the game, for some reason.
Check the Content Tab in-game to see if there is an install option and / or, close and restart rF2 again. Sometimes, it takes a restart to sort things out fully.
Steam doesn't use the speed of your Internet connection. Depending on the bandwith used in their servers can reduce the speed or even pause the downloads
I know it doesn't use my whole bandwidth but this is not the problem here, there was plenty of time to download stuff, I even saw "4items to install" when I started the game but for some reason, it didn't install and since, nothing happens.
I wish the store would show purchased next to content already owned! S397 really need to fix up their store.