custom skins in new mod

Discussion in 'Component and Mod Packaging' started by kro388th, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    I know the skin thing is all about the change soon , so killing time between builds as my server just crashes to much now to host but im having this prob with using the custom skins in a modded mod/vmod
    It starts with this thread from 118
    ok so i know clients cant see and all that's ok , im just trying to get it to work like it does in the defalt ISI Megane mod so at least i can see them In my custom megane mod ..

    With this path UserData\player\Settings\Meganes2009\M2009_04 I can see them fine in ISI mod with a Megane2009 folder in my settings , now my mod has a defrent componant name so i name a folder after that and add the M2009_04 folder with the skins to it and no love ..;( ive tried nameing it after every componant in the mod ,placing it in just the Megane2009 I tried adding the new mod folder inside the megane2009 folder .. hell ive spent hrs just swaping these files around in the settings just trying to get them to show up in the custom mod spinner ,tuneing..

    All I have edited in the new mod is the HDV to turn on gear ratios in the garage and the MAIN.mas to add the gear ratios to the list ... rename, save ,compile using the original TEAMS.mas (never opend it just grabed it from the Megane2009 ) so team.mas is still dfalt ISI , is ther somthing im missing ? do i have to add vehicle's to the TEAM.mas and do it that way as its a custom mod ?? MIkez says>[ where "Meganes2009" is the name of the component the car is from and "M2009_01" is the name of the vehicle file (minus the ".veh" extension)] so wouldent changing the name to the new mod componant work ??

    I reely thought a new build would hit friday with new skin system so I know this is all going to be watter under the bridge soon but for now with another week or so to go i want to see if i can at least get these in ther without having to rebuild the mod ... Is it possable ? thx !
  2. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    So Im guessing that "loose file" skins will NOT work in a custom modded mod .. ?

    Im wondering if the new system of skins will run into this prob as well ??
  3. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Is your mod called 'R2P Megane gear mod 1.0'? That is the folder you need to make. But..
    I gave it a test and does not work for me too. This is only a guess... but it could be when you made the mod, you used spaces in your file name and not "_". Just guessing.
  4. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Yes thats the one ! Thanks for the reply DJC , I feared that as well ... it does have spaces .... except for thr Megan09_TEAMS.mas and the M2009.mas .. xxxx MAIN.mas has the spaces..

    oh well live and learn .. I guess ill try to recompile it again with the "_" and see ..!
    The IsR mod has spaces to but he has the skins included so no loose skin files to fuss with ...
  5. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Wish you luck.
  6. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Wish you more luck as custom skins don't work at all now with whatever mod we try in the new build 134.
  7. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Ya !! im trying to build a new mod using the edited MAIN.mas with the TEAM.mas & M2009.mas

    I cant seem to get it right , i see my new folder 1.0 open it and see the 3 files + .mft but when i try to build a vmod when selecting the new compiled mod it says thers no teams in it ??


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