Hello, Someone I can lend a hand, how to create a mobile rear spoiler in 3d studio max and export it to rfactor 2? Steps should I follow to do. thanks
1st you need to make the moving part of the wing a seperate .gmt ...then you need to make it have its own axis...a quick way to do this in Max is to click edit/transform toolbox (click centre to start with you can adjust manually later to make it perfect)...export as per normal and add this line to your cockpitinfo.ini... RearFlapOriChange=(35.0,0.0,0.0) // Angle in degrees that the rear flap is adjusted while holding button. Pitch, Yaw, Roll and in your gen file put your moveable .gmt under this instance... } Instance=REARFLAP { Moveable=True MeshFile=*yourfilesname*.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(150.0) ShadowCaster=(True, Solid, 256, 256) ShadowReceiver=True Reflect=True