Controller.JSON - Simucube 2 Pro

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jonas, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Jonas

    Jonas Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I just watched a YT video of someone showing there settings.
    This video is some years old (5 Years old)
    But in this video, it showing his Controller.JSON:

    And this is my Controller.JSON:
    And I have highlighted the only line that is the same as in the video.

    I now wonder, what is the best or the right file to use?
    The 5 years old YT video file
    or my default file that is new.

    Could anyone step in here and explain this lines, what is right and wrong, and what they do and what I should have for numbers in my file for my Simucube 2 Pro unit.

  2. Herve_Versabeau

    Herve_Versabeau Registered

    May 27, 2015
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    my settings for test

    "Force Feedback":{
        "Brake effects on steer axis":0,
        "Brake effects on steer axis#":"0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.",
        "Brake effects strength":10000,
        "Brake effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all brake effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
        "Brake spring coefficient":0.3,
        "Brake spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
        "Brake spring saturation":1,
        "Brake spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
        "Clutch effects on steer axis":0,
        "Clutch effects on steer axis#":"0 = Clutch effects on clutch axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.",
        "Clutch effects strength":10000,
        "Clutch effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all clutch effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
        "Clutch spring coefficient":0.2,
        "Clutch spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
        "Clutch spring saturation":1,
        "Clutch spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
        "DI Steering effects strength":10000,
        "DI Steering effects strength#":"0 to +10000, applies to all DI steering effects (torque, resistance, static spring, jolt, etc.) - use global torque multi to adjust FFB strength instead!",
        "G920_workaround#":"Workaround for Logitech G920 firmware bugs ... may need to turn this off after firmware update if it gets fixed.",
        "Gearbox effects on steer axis":0,
        "Gearbox effects on steer axis#":"0 = Gearbox effects on gearbox 'axis', 1 = brake effects on steering axis.",
        "Gearbox effects strength":10000,
        "Gearbox effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all gearbox effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
        "Gearbox spring coefficient":0,
        "Gearbox spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
        "Gearbox spring saturation":1,
        "Gearbox spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
        "Ignore controllers":0,
        "Ignore controllers#":"Do not use FFB on: 1=controller1, 2=cntrlr2, 4=cntrlr3, 8=cntrlr4, 16=cntrlr5, 32=cntrlr6, 64=cntrlr7, 128=cntrlr8 (or add values to ignore multiple controllers, for example 255 ignores all)",
        "Jolt magnitude":0.7,
        "Jolt magnitude#":"How strong jolts from other cars (or walls) are.  Suggested Range: -2.0 to 2.0.",
        "Off-road multiplier":0.3,
        "Off-road multiplier#":"Temporary test variable to reduce force feedback strength off-road (0.0 = zero FFB, 1.0 = full FFB)",
        "Other spring coefficient":0.2,
        "Other spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0) for any other FFB-capable controllers",
        "Other spring saturation":1,
        "Other spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0) for any other FFB-capable controllers",
        "Rumble strip magnitude":1,
        "Rumble strip magnitude#":"How strong the canned rumble strip rumble is.  Range 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 disables effect.",
        "Rumble strip pull factor":0,
        "Rumble strip pull factor#":"How strongly wheel pulls right\/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range: -1.5 to 1.5.",
        "Rumble strip update thresh":0.05,
        "Rumble strip update thresh#":"Amount of change required to update rumble strip effect (0.0 - 1.0)",
        "Rumble strip wave type":0,
        "Rumble strip wave type#":"Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.",
        "Steering effects strength":-10000,
        "Steering effects strength#":"Global steering column torque multiplier",
        "Steering resistance coefficient":0.1,
        "Steering resistance coefficient#":"Coefficient to use for steering resistance.  Range: -1.0 to 1.0",
        "Steering resistance saturation":0.5,
        "Steering resistance saturation#":"Saturation value to use for steering resistance.  Range: 0 - 1.0",
        "Steering resistance type":0,
        "Steering resistance type#":"0=use damping, 1=use friction",
        "Steering spring coefficient":0,
        "Steering spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
        "Steering spring saturation":0.1,
        "Steering spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
        "Steering torque capability":18,
        "Steering torque capability#":"The maximum torque capability of the wheel (in Nm, obviously)",
        "Steering torque extrap blend":0,
        "Steering torque extrap blend#":"Higher blends of extrapolated value allows driver to feel torque changes even when actual torque exceeds 'input max' (0.0=disables, 1.0=max)",
        "Steering torque extrap time":0.015,
        "Steering torque extrap time#":"Time in seconds to extrapolate steering torque based on current change (Range: 0.001 to 0.050.  To disable, set 'blend' to 0.0)",
        "Steering torque filter":0,
        "Steering torque filter#":"Number of old samples to use to filter torque from vehicle's steering column (0-32, note that higher values increase effective latency)",
        "Steering torque minimum":0,
        "Steering torque minimum#":"Minimum torque to apply in either direction to overcome steering wheel's 'FFB deadzone' caused by friction",
        "Steering torque per-vehicle mult":0.31,
        "Steering torque per-vehicle mult#":"Per-vehicle steering column torque multiplier (this is a copy of the .CCH value)",
        "Steering torque sensitivity":1,
        "Steering torque sensitivity#":"Sensitivity curve applied to representable torques: 0.0=low 1.0=linear 2.0=high",
        "Steering torque zero-speed mult":0.2,
        "Steering torque zero-speed mult#":"Multiplier at zero speed to reduce unwanted oscillation from strong static aligning torque",
        "Test_workaround#":"Workaround for apparent driver CTD on release",
        "Throttle effects on steer axis":0,
        "Throttle effects on steer axis#":"0 = Throttle effects on throttle axis, 1 = throttle effects on steering axis.",
        "Throttle effects strength":10000,
        "Throttle effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all throttle effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
        "Throttle spring coefficient":0.1,
        "Throttle spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
        "Throttle spring saturation":1,
        "Throttle spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
        "Type#":"Type of force feedback: 0=off 1=wheel 2=joystick 3=rumble\/gamepad 4=custom",
        "Use thread":true,
        "Use thread#":"Use a separate thread to issue FFB commands which may block with some drivers"
    Jonas likes this.
  3. Jonas

    Jonas Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    We both have this in our code
    "Steering effects strength":-10000, (a negative number here)

    But on the rest we both have
    "Brake effects strength":10000,
    "Clutch effects strength":10000,
    "DI Steering effects strength":10000,
    "Gearbox effects strength":10000,
    "Steering effects strength":-10000,
    "Throttle effects strength":10000,

    But in this video it was all negative numbers, and if we both have negative numbers at Steering effects strength
    should we not have that on the rest to? Like in the video?
    What is the difference? what does the negative and positive do?
  4. Herve_Versabeau

    Herve_Versabeau Registered

    May 27, 2015
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    it seems to me....for example

    Négative for simucube
    Positive for fanatec

    some parameters are no longer used on rf2 they are residuals of rf1
    Jonas likes this.
  5. Jonas

    Jonas Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    "Force Feedback":{
        "Steering torque capability":18,
        "Steering torque capability#":"The maximum torque capability of the wheel (in Nm, obviously)",
    Just to be sure.
    Your base unit is 18 Nm, right?
    So in your True Drive you got 18 Nm?

    "Force Feedback":{
        "Steering torque filter":0,
    And in game you got 0 Smoothing ?

    Can you share the rest of your True Drive settings? or make it public so I can see and test this with your controller.JSON file.
  6. Herve_Versabeau

    Herve_Versabeau Registered

    May 27, 2015
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    I have Simucube 1 small mige 130ST-M10010 (20 Nm) Biss-c
    Yes 0 smoothing on game
    Jonas likes this.
  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Most/all of those effects aren't active. Look at your "***** effects on steering axis" lines - nearly all will be 0, meaning those are never sent to your wheel. Most won't do anything even if you set them to 1.
  8. SmellySkidmark

    SmellySkidmark Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I'm currently driving the GT3 Porsche and find that the braking vibrates excessively, my Force feedback setting is...

    "Brake effects on steer axis":0,
    "Brake effects on steer axis#":"0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis."

    Set to 0 it still shakes a lot, anyone have a fix for this?

  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    That doesn't help because it's not a brake effect. It's just FFB you're getting when braking.

    Why's it shaking? Tyres locking up and slipping/gripping? Too much ABS kicking in? Try to reduce how much you brake. Check FFB levels, use or avoid clipping (whichever helps).
    The_Bad_Fasterd likes this.
  10. SmellySkidmark

    SmellySkidmark Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Thanks for the info Lazza.
    It's fine with most of the other GT3 cars with the same settings, just the Porsche that does it that I know of.
    I've turned down my FFB for our series from 70% to 35% to make it driveable.
    It does the same with the CSL DD wheel base aswell with the guys in our group.


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