Hi, I need help, we are trying to configure our server to put it to begin sunny and changing the time go until it rains, can you tell me which file server configurations we have to change or parameter exactly, if it is in multiplayer or in the file. plr ????? Thank you very much and apologize for the inconvenience.
if you startet a server, you have on the "select locations" screen above "Weather" Click on this and then you can edit your Weater for Pratice Quali ... And save this. At least you must change the option: "Weather Typ" in options to Script. After that you have your own weather.
^What he said^ I have my server set as heavy storm to start, then to easing rain, then to overcast, then to sunny and warm.
u need to make weather map in single player mode, then take the script from the track`s settings folder and upload to server in the same folder, make it read only and then select scripted weather in dedicated server. Just like GTR2.
you just change it in the plr file GPRIX Weather="0" // 0=sun, 1=clouds, 2=rain, 3=default, 4=random, 5=scripted MULTI Weather="4" GPRIX TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session length MULTI TimeScaledWeather="1"
so ... is random weather still disabled? I have random checkmarked under the settings for the track on my server, but it is always sunny and 84 on the server...
If you are interested in having weather set up, see here: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/11398-rFactor2-Weather-Tool Nice tool for setting up the weather scripts using real world weather forecast/data.