Celebrating the release of the excellent new Knockhill mod by @lasercutter , we'll be doing a sprint race with the Caterham Academies there this Saturday at 8PM EST and you are all invited to join us here: https://discord.gg/8NZ6DXj __**Details:**__ Game: Rfactor 2 Track: Knockhill workshop mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878433056 Cars: Caterham Academy Quali start time: Saturday November 19th; 8PM EST/1AM UK/2AM EU/10AM AEST Quali: 30 mins Race: 30 mins Ingame hour: 3:00PM Time progression: x2 Ingame temp/ weather: 25c dry/clear Tuning: open Tyres+ fuel: authentic Damage: on (50%) Start: Standing https://discord.gg/8NZ6DXj