After heavy crashing, windscreen would start to reflect environment. It seems as if the windscreen inside shader(which does not reflect) has been swapped with windscreen outside shader(which does reflect). This bug happens on any tracks. And this bug won't disappear until quit current game session and re-load. Before crashing (crystal clean windscreen): After crashing (can see bluish reflection on windscreen): Maybe, same thing was watched todays online race.
Same thing just happened to me now. Restarting the weekend etc doesn't solve it. I have to quit the session altogether and race again.
Just to file a quick report, it's still there in 1.05 Oh well, not a biggie, better try not to have an incident until it's fixed then
Just did a few session at Targa florio with v1.05, and bug still exist. Even without any crashes, the windscreen will eventually be bugged after driving a while (I'm guessing that any kinds of contacts with body parts such as bottoming could also trigger it). And it is very troublesome for sight for tracks like Targa florio, where roads are narrow, and a clean view is vital to not miss a land mark & crash. So far the only way to avoid this bug, is to set "Damage multiplier" to 0% (note: even Invulnerability assists won't stop this bug from happening).
Quick update - we were racing the Caterhams last night and a number of us encountered the windscreen bug at various times. A client who leaves and rejoins the server does *not* reset the issue - nor does a ‘restart weekend’. However if the dedi is rolled through ‘options’ to ‘Load track’ and the event restarted that way, the issue is cleared for all affected clients…
I had started another thread about the same issue. It's a lot worse in London ePrix. In the inner section I can see translucent garbage on the windscreen. Pausing the game I can see it's the magnified road texture being reflected in the windscreen. It only happens in the inner section, in the outer section it's more like a milky shade when facing the sun in some directions. Invulnerability is on. I hope this helps.
They just pushed out a hotfix that included some bit about windscreens. Don't know if this is to address the Cater though.
I think the Porblem is not fixed or I'm wrong? I have the Problem also with my Sportscar 70's, after a Crash the Windscreen lost a little bit transparency, first I thought, ok, the Car is distorted, but after a Pitstop the Problem is still. The Problem is still even after a Track Change.
Does it happen in DevMode too, that i can try it there, if one of my Safety Cars, for Example, is having the same Problem?