Can't get cut detection working in a few corners

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by zmitya, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. zmitya

    zmitya Registered

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Hi All,

    We are planning to have a fun endurance race soon, the guys voted for having it on Watkins Glen. I have downloaded it from here:

    I downloaded the track and did some AIW file editing, finetuned the track limits a bit, as we usually do with other tracks, but it seems that the cut detection DOES NOT WORK in turn 1 for some reason. It does work well in the chicane, but does not work in T1 and T10:

    I also edited the track's GDB, here is the cut detection relevant section:
      CutLeavingThresh = 1.05     // Threshold (in meters) for leaving track
      CutJoiningThresh = 0.0      // Threshold (in meters) for re-joining track
      CutPassPenalty = 0.2        // Penalty for each driver we pass (an inaccurate indicator)
      CutTimeRatioMax = 0.9      // Start penalizing even if we lose 10% of time
      CutTimeRatioPenalty = 0.42  // Penalty for fraction of time savings
      CutSecondsSaved = 1.0      // Penalty for each second saved
      CutWorstYawPenalty = 1.2    // Penalty for staying under control, the worst yaw angle gives us an indication of this and it follows the cosine of the angle of the car in relation to the road
      CutDirectionalPenalty = 3.0 // Penalty (actually reward) for being in wrong direction
      CutWarningThresh = 1.205    // Threshold for warning (or disallowance of lap), should be > CutWorstYawPenalty
      CutStopGoThresh = 3.2       // Threshold for immediate stop/go penalty
    Here is the modified track itself:

    I tried to check the trace log for cut detection related entries, but did not find any. I found a comment made by a S397 staff member that those logs are not exposed nowadays due to a bug :(

    So can somebody please help us how to get it working in T1 ?

    Agahnim likes this.

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