Can't close rFactor2 still launcher in steam interface

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Matt21, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. Matt21

    Matt21 Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    since few months i have this issue:
    when i stop driving RF2 and clic exit game and then
    rf2 close
    but in steam menu i am marked that i still play rfactor2

    i can't close rFactor2 it is still launched in Steam interface

    my install of steam and RF2 is from October 2020 on my new PC of that moment

    (and i did have an other crash in race tyesterday (22th january 2022) and

    i did new install still the same today 23 th)

    since few month sometimes RF2 can not close normally and i cannot close Steam too normally

    my main issue is i got disconnected 2 times during 2 official championship onlines races
    the sim crash close RF2
    back to Steam
    RF2 still launched
    i cannot stop it with the button stop
    i have to close Steam
    steam say RF2 still running
    force the task kill

    restart Steam then start RF2
    reconnect to the online race many laps lost and also places

    the problem is when i look at the task manager
    when i close RF2 and Steam
    i still have some RF2 and launch rFactor 2 is process ?

    Attached Files:

  2. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Do you have any Logitech peripherials? Keyboard, mouse, wheel? The last couple of versions of the Logitech Profiler have been stopping several sims from exiting. some users have shut down the profiler prior to launching rF2 and reported the issue was resolved.

    and stop re-installing rF2. That should be a last resort. Mainly due to not all of the folders are replaced which could lead to whatever the issue is being left behind to trouble you some more. You CAN, when facing issues, backup your player.json, or back-up the full UserData folder and then delete those. rF2 will replace them with a fresh copy, far superior to re-installing over and over.
    kro388th likes this.
  4. Matt21

    Matt21 Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    thanks for your support guys

    so yes i have Logitech Ghub installed it was for my headphone device G430
    fanatec wheel base
    logitech G25 pedals
    and yes Ghub cause me trouble
    in the way that at every update discusion apps like discord and teamspeak lose the headphone device by default
    i have to set it back at each update.

    so just uninstall or close it before playing and i'm ok !

    thanks community
    davehenrie likes this.
  5. Matt21

    Matt21 Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    on the other hand

    can it be this that cause my multiple RF2 crash ? (only during online races 60-120 min stint or more)
    (no crah during in practice before race day)
    return to steam and desk .
  6. Hmatty

    Hmatty Registered

    Feb 19, 2014
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    g hub is it
    Matt21 likes this.
  7. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    ...or use an older version and disable automatic updating
    Matt21 likes this.

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