Hey community, So I run rF2 from a Laptop, I need to do so for various reasons. Ryzen 7 5800H RTX 3060 32 Gigs of Ram NvME Quest 2 (Cable connection USBc) I can get very good performance out of this package on a regular session with up to 15 or so cars. The problem comes in when LFM runs full grids of 30 cars. I would happily give up some track fidelity to have a smoother racing experience. I currently use the Open XR Dll hack to bypass steam VR and this helps a lot. Hockenhiem for instance, the Stadiums are so huge I just glitch as I pass them. the rest of the track runs smooth. This is a common occurrence on most tracks(on the main straight) I notice the performance loss due to big Stadia. I can't screen and need to extract more performance out of my setup. Any help will be appreciated. TIA
It's probably not something that will happen anytime soon. It would require all old tracks to be updated(and mod tracks), and that's a huge amount of work.