Sorry for newbie question, but is there any purpose to keep rfcmp files in that folder once they have been installed?
Well, usually rfcmp files are from server autodownloads or files you went and found manually. So if you ever need to reinstall them you might want to keep the rfcmp files.
Thanks, yes, that what I thought. Since I have a running backup of the Installed folder, I don't see any point to keep several gigabytes reserved by those rfcmp's, so I will delete them.
Just a bit of info. The Installed folder doesn't have the rfcmp files in it. The rfcmp file is rFactors version of a rar or 7zip eg package. When you put a rfcmp file into the Packages folder the rF2 Launcher then "unpacks/extracts" the rfcmp into mas and mft files which are installed to the Installed folder. So you might be better off backing up the Packages folder as I don't know if the Mas files can be used to "re"install a mod or track.
You can delete all the rfcmp and rfmod files of the packages folder. But if you uninstall the content, you will not be able to install it again
What you might want to backup is the workshop folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\365960) which contains all rfcmp and can be taken out without warning from your installed tracks, as i understand. What you manually download and installed is not affected by changes in workshop. I think Adsta is correct about not being able to just placing back mas files and get mod to work but i never tried. I´m curious how the new ui will deal with folder structure or if this will gonna change since my workshop folder is a link to a non ssd hard drive to save space.
Thanks. I was not aware of such workshop folder outside rFactor2 folder. Yes, I see/assume there is all stuff I have downloaded from Steam Workshop. New UI? Im new to this sim, but after surviving the current horrible UI, im glad to read that sentence (I won't go offtopic more than this).