Camera coordinate frame

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Zdenek Kalal, Apr 1, 2022.

  1. Zdenek Kalal

    Zdenek Kalal Registered

    Mar 29, 2022
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    RF2 coordinates are left-handed as defined in InternalsPlugin.hpp
    // Our world coordinate system is left-handed, with +y pointing up.
    // The local vehicle coordinate system is as follows:
    // +x points out the left side of the car (from the driver's perspective)
    // +y points out the roof
    // +z points out the back of the car

    But how about the coordinates of the camera?
    It seems that car position and camera positions are inverted. For example for car position
    car = [-290, 19, 293], the camera position in T-CAM is reported as cam = [297, -20, -293].

    So it seems the camera is represented in different coordinate frame than the cars.
    This can be trivially fixed by inverting the coordinates for the position. But the trouble is with camera orientation which does not rotate as expected.

    I suspect there is a bug somewhere in the camera coordinates and orientation. Does anybody have more information on this?

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