Camera axes inverted

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zdenek Kalal, Apr 1, 2022.

  1. Zdenek Kalal

    Zdenek Kalal Registered

    Mar 29, 2022
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    RF2 coordinates are left-handed as defined in InternalsPlugin.hpp
    // Our world coordinate system is left-handed, with +y pointing up.
    // The local vehicle coordinate system is as follows:
    // +x points out the left side of the car (from the driver's perspective)
    // +y points out the roof
    // +z points out the back of the car

    Per my measurements the car position and camera positions are inverted. For example for car position
    car = [-290, 19, 293], the camera position in T-CAM is reported as cam = [297, -20, -293].

    Camera orientation seems to also have issues by inverting roll. This is hard to validate, but I believe this is related to the different coordinate frame.

    Is it possible to fix?

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