Brake lights very pale !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by magicaldog, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    You (and others) could catalogue these settings in a separate thread to help mods when they need to use settings like this.
  2. Cuthbert

    Cuthbert Registered

    Oct 19, 2015
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    That's a fantastic job on those lights, both front and rear.

    Much better than the ISI Honda Civic (almost invisible) and the Clio (a bit better but not attention-grabbing).

    As a newcomer it is discouraging to hear one of the best modders and biggest contributors on this board say "it's all trial and error". And he is 100% correct.

    The wiki is terrible, it hasn't been updated for a long time, is missing lots of info, even the Main Page links to a page of placeholder text.
  3. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I started this wiki which is open to contributions, but no one is willing to add any:

    Computer programming and artistic work is sometimes educated guesswork. It is never black or white, right or wrong at times.
  4. Cuthbert

    Cuthbert Registered

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Thanks for the info Woodee, I didn't know about your site. Thanks also for recognising the need and your effort in putting the site up. A pity that contributions are a bit thin on the ground...

    I agree that CG in general is a lot of trial and error. But almost every car has brake lights, and so how to make brake lights should be clear, I would expect ISI to document this (or allow expert contributors like you to edit their wiki).

    Back to OP, it sounded like it was a userland question "is there some setting/checkbox to improve the visibility of brake lights globally?"

    rather than "as a modder, how do I build brake lights to look right?"

    It seems Tosch has given the answer to #2, and the answer to #1 is (pls correct me if I am wrong) "No, there is no simple checkbox solution; the issue is because the sim lighting model was recently updated and this means each car must be modified to bring it in line with these changes. These changes have not yet been made to several of the ISI official cars".

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