Hello there, does anyone else have a similar problem with not loading track textures (Win7 here)? Track from Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2655669174
Yes. Similar error with Long Beach from the same author. I just spent all day installing Windows 10 and rF2 and don't get that error anymore. Comments on Steam indicated it was an issue with Windows 7 and that appears to be the case.
So just for a track you need to be on Win 10 ? That sounds to me like the author made mistakes here and there in the code most likely. Every other tracks work fine except for his. And the issue exists on everyone of his tracks on my end
I am not sure but his tracks have a wrong searchpath entry in the scn-file. The searchpath points to "his" steam installation on "his" computer. So his tracks could also not be loaded in devmode without altering the scn-file.
Did you manage to fix them by changing the searchpath ? I tried loading in devmode too indeed to no avail
If you can get it loading in devmode (not a difficult thing, just need to get the paths right) and reproduce that error, you can play around with different versions of the offending texture to try and work it out. It may take someone more knowledgeable regarding textures and Dx versions to know whether a particular texture will have an issue for some reason (DXT5, 1024x128). Probably coincidentally my old version of Irfanview didn't want to open that texture, but an up to date version does.
Yes, changing the searchpath (haven´t tried to delete the line) works for me in devmode. Both tracks load without issues in normal RF2. Running Windows 11
@Pocisk I still have an old PC with Windows 7 and so i checked it there. I get the same Error, also in DevMode. When i load the Texture from the Error-Message into Photoshop and save it again with no Modification as DXT3 or 5, it gets loaded properly. But then the next Message with another Texture appears. I have the Suspicion, that the Textures can not be handled properly in your PC Configuration with Windows 7, because the Textures from the Error Messages are formatted in the new DX 11 Formats. I guess your Graphics Card is DX 11 capable? Maybe the Graphics Card Driver for Windows 7 is the Problem...? Do you have the latest available for Windows 7 installed?
Hello. I've been trying for a long time to fix the AIW issues, and sometimes the AI goes crazy, but there's a lot of crashes and pointless braking. It is another of the problems of this circuit. I don't know if someone can help me to solve this problem. Very good circuit, but if you want to simulate a race against the AI it is impossible as it is by default.
I was able to open the track yesterday. A quick look showed me that there is a kink in the block line between first turn and start/finish line. The block line itself is a joke as it is the main path renamed to block line. Also there is no correct left and right path. Better to start from beginning and make most lines new.
I want to offer an Update rfcmp here, that i have made after a Request from @Pocisk, that allows to load the Track on a Windows 7 Machine. I currently have only fixed the Problems that made the Track not loading under Windows 7, the AIW is still the old one yet. And because it's an Update, the original Track has to be installed. Download
Once again thank's to @Manfredk2 and @redapg for the help (best community <3) Here's a quick sample how the track looks like with the Win7 patch:
Thanks for the kind Words. It seems as if @Ruben Cerlem is already working at an AIW Update, so let's give him some Time and hope that he will release it here in the Forum. If not, there will be an updated AIW from another Source.
Hello. We only have to find a problem that happens to us when testing the lines that go through the interior when braking. We didn't get it right, and in many cases the AI loses the car, and in others it strangles you to the outside. What is the racing line is perfect, but it is the second and third that causes problems. We hope to solve it soon and share it on the forum, that of course.
I'm not sure if i understand what you mean. What do you mean with "go through the interior when braking" and "the second and third Line"? If you have serious Problems to create the Lines, just inform me, i will do it then.
Also having problems to understand what you mean. Maybe try fist to record a better block line and see if the problems you mean are solved. The braking issue in the block line i described is this:
I tried to create all the new lines, that is, the 4 possible ones. One I don't take into account because it's fixed and it's the fast line, but the right, left and blocking are the ones that are giving me problems, and no matter how much I record them over and over again, there are moments where the AI behaves strangely , losing control of the car or strangling the rival to the outside. I have tested it many times, but this error persists.