Assetto Corsa Respectful Comparison

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Minibull, Nov 8, 2013.

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  1. Gonzas

    Gonzas Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    mother of god, is dynamic, and will affect grip on next updates, before the 1.0, and talking "about lot of things" , im still waiting for what was showed and advertised TWO YEARS ago, like vertex damage with damage layer in shaders, like rain on the windshields, and a lot of things more.

    is great to see someone reporting on AC forum that you can not open a door in the showroom, and was fixed in one update half an hour after the report (in a sunday!). I know people who waited 15 months to have working mirrors in some cars.

    are you using 107%, 0%, 0% in logitech drivers, and you are talking about FFB?.. pues cojonudo, but you should take your time and use recommended setup in drivers and in game as you do in rFactor 2.

    i really want to love rFactor 2 , honestly , i bought it the first day, and start to learn how to mod it, and i did it , but i can not play it, im sorry and i tried hundred of times to clean my mind and try to spend some great time on it, spend some ( a lot of money) on 3 24'' monitors and one 7970 matrix who is getting old and never was able to give me a sunrise playing rfactor2, low FPS, never smooth, stuttering, this 342 version is way much better ,but i have still to live with black "artifacts" on the circuit bad HDR wrong colours, and (a lot of things).

    AC have more grip than necessary , i feel it more on the e30, but i can play it, and with a sunrise.
    i dont understand why a car with WIDE soft slicks like the corvette , can slide at 60 km/h in that way, ok the track is green, needs rubber, maybe the grip with rubber on the road is ok , but something do not fit, at least for me and maybe im wrong
    rF2 have a lot of potential,i hope it will be the best game ever soon, i hope that someday it will be the simulator it deserves to be, but for me, it does not work , and i tried and tried.

    probably im not respectful, sorry .
  2. tsunamibr

    tsunamibr Registered

    Mar 25, 2012
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    You can't be serious. Quoting wiki as a reliable source?
    If you indeed did see Kunos posting anything related to what you allege, please, provide the link.

    Here, what about this as a source:

    Kunos about Pacejka:
    Does most of the racing games nowadays tend to implement this tire model ?

    netKar PRO, iRacing, rFactor, RBR, LFS, CARS, Shift.. no
    Forza and GT .. perhaps in some simplified version
  3. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Offcourse I played sports, and yes you're probably thinking: "I guess if he was good at FIFA he'd think he could be... some famous soccerplayer". No, not really.
    We do have it a bit different then the FIFA player dont we? We have the actual controls (depends on how far you want to go) and games dedicated to simulate the racing and alot of aspects around that going from learning how to create setups, what parts affect what, ...
    I barely go karting with my buddies anymore because it's not fun being Vettel, a friend of mine drives an actual Rotax kart in competition (his dad owns a major transport company-> the money) and last time we went to one of those public karting tracks I beat his best lap by half a second on a 57s track.
    Not saying I'm the second coming of Schumacher but it doesn't mean because you're really racing that you're as good as it can get.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2013
  4. Esteve Rueda

    Esteve Rueda Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    It's not dynamic, test It, just a predefined texture that appears in the same place and doesn't matter where you are drivng... and... do you spin at 60km/h with Corvette? just learn to drive because I can turn it at 20km/h, and also at 240km/h with no problems in any track and as me, every driver who drive with me in the same races. I can't spin AC F Abarth even doing zigzag at 190km/h with 3 front wing, 4 rear wing, way more stiff suspension than default, and softer front suspension to produce oversteer, and also changed 10% power diff lock to 50%, I only can spin It working hard to do It, I saw real cars spin with way less "stress".

    And not, with some cars It's not weird to spin at 80km/h if you are driving like no handed and not using the correct technique.
  5. TIG_green

    TIG_green Registered

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Some first impressions:

    - Cars feel like they actually have weight unlike some cars in rf2 in some situations.
    - Also sensed some understeer when I tried to push but maybe that's the car characteristics (tried Ferrari and X-bow)
    - I was expecting that it would be really easy to catch slides based on the talks here but it wasn't, in some occasions even harder than in rf2. Maybe I should use manual clutch :p
    - Didn't really felt lock-ups so that's one of the most important things to be improven ffb wise.
    - Looked really good, felt smooth (no idea what my fps was, where do I see it?). Maxed everything... not sure which AA setting I should use (there was a setting where I had to choose from two options)
    Cockpits are really nice. Why don't rf2 have any street cars :(
    - I think in rf2 you feel earlier when the car starts to slide.
    - Nice loading times ( but is it just because of lack of features and no other cars on track atm?)
    - UI is nice as said many times before (I mean mainly on track plugins, main menu is good enough in rf2 imo)
    - Didn't figure out how to use h-shifter without using clutch.

    Good start there, now I wait for more features and multiplayer.

    It's also good if all the updates are done via Steam (don't usually like Steam but this is handy)

    I hope that AC will push ISI to work even harder :) For example getting that BTCC car released already :p (I know it's not entirely up to them but still)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2013
  6. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    TIG, in the road cars always press ctrl + a to manually disable the ABS. They all have some secret annoying ABS that enables no matter if it's on pro. You can immedeatly test it by standing on the stoppers when youre leaving pitlane.
    Same with ctrl + t, when you try to spin the wheels up in 1st gear (in pretty much any car) and it immedeatly bogs down, the TC has most likely activated itself.
  7. TIG_green

    TIG_green Registered

    Jul 21, 2012
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    thanks for tips.
  8. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    So you're saying that even in pro mode it has TC and ABS enabled unless you hit Ctrl+A/T? This reminds me of so many of the current road cars in real life where you turn off TC but when you get the car really sideways to stupid crap kicks in anyways. Real cars these days are full of aids, lagy drive by wire, inability to hit the gas and brake at the same time, real LSDs are being replaced by electronics that apply the brake to the spinning wheel to send the power to the other wheel and now most of them don't have MT options, just gay double clutch auto boxes... now this dumbing down trend is working it's way into sims. Hahahaha
  9. Esteve Rueda

    Esteve Rueda Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Talking about Pacejka... someone wanted to know if AC uses It, can this clarify something?:

    I'm not an expert and I can't totally understand that curve with no more info, but seems like Pacejka Force/slip angle curve. That graph shows tyre #3, and that tyre is rear right one.
  10. smithaz

    smithaz Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    +1 Esteve, you talk a lot of sense on the subject of AC. I think you are right in that people who cannot finish a lap in rF2 think AC is the best ever just because it isn't as difficult, is easy to use and looks nice, perhaps they think it is a better game because it 'looks' like a better game.
    rF2 excels at the thing which matters most, driving on track in a racing car, everything else can and is waiting. At this moment in time it looks like AC is more talk and marketing over substance.
  11. Gonzas

    Gonzas Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks god of driving, Sorry me if im not in your supreme level.

    I hope we will meet someday online and check our.skills, thats if im able to join , is not easy, i will try to recieve some classes about all the things i should do before join.

    Maybe on rfactor 1? XD
  12. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yeah there is a lot to know..... Click Join.
  13. Niksounds

    Niksounds Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yes Noel, and the concept is simple.
    In EXPERT mode you have the car AS IS in real life.

    Has the car ABS? ok.. ABS active.
    Has the street car for example TC active? OK.. TC active.

    Do you want deactivate the aids on BMW? no button as in real life.. but CTRL+A for ABS off e CTRL+T for TC off.


    .. or not?
  14. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I see your point but the F458 for example (in real life) has driving modes and all aids turn off in the correct mode. When you set the driving mode to Pro in the menu and then look at what the details of pro mode and it says everything is off then you would expect everything to be off. No big deal now that I know. It just departs from the way every sim has worked to date.

    One question, not at the house to try myself. When you hit Ctrl+A/T does this stick between sessions or is it going to drive me crazy and turn back on every time the way my real car does? In real life the lawyers dictate that the aids have to default to on. But this is a sim, lets not drive people crazy.
  15. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Yeah, pure magic that the car isn´t spinning and going out of control when this "race-driver"
    runs over curbs, grass and even that rumble-barks at full speed! LOL!

    I was really interested in it and should have tried AC one day, but THAT Vid
    told me finally that this arcade-thing is nothing for me!
    Can´t stop laughing! In a street car! - THIS! LOL! in a BMW M3 from the 80´s! Haha!

    P.s.: AC hype will vanish away much faster as it begun...
  16. Domi

    Domi Registered

    Oct 11, 2011
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    That's quite simplistic, at 190kmh the main element to take in account is the aero balance, and as a start point 3 FW and 4 RW is quite understeerish. Ride heights are also very important.
  17. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    As far as I can tell, it resets everytime you get back at the main screen where you choose the cars etc. It does stay if as long as you stay in the session.
    If you have that little white gear-app enabled there is a red line inside the RPM line. When that flickers when you want to drive off with a clutch dump TC is on :p
    ABS you feel quite easily in the braking zones in your steeringwheel.

    And @ Domi, you're right. That's another thing Aris mentioned. If you drop the ride height of the Formula Abart 20mm you'll see it feels different because you'll feel the diffusor being alot more effective.
    Droping tirepressures might give you more grip but you'll probably be a bit slower

  18. baronesbc

    baronesbc Registered

    Aug 1, 2012
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    with semi-slick, with right tires it feels like this:
  19. Niksounds

    Niksounds Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  20. Niksounds

    Niksounds Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Fantastic video!
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