Announcement | Motorsport Games Enters Into Agreement to Acquire rFactor 2 and Developer Studio 397

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Germano Cervini

    Germano Cervini Registered

    May 22, 2020
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    I think of it as STONEC, and it is bad to let everyone understand, what is happening and what they would like to do with RF2 is not good, we are going towards an ACC type system, and that is to make the SIM flatter, easier, more usable for various platforms = END OF THE GAMES FOR ME, Rf2 was born for something else, open your eyes my friends.
    Mauro likes this.
  2. xerofer

    xerofer Registered

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Gladly you referenced GC and the GP series. To this day, though not being the most realistic driving experience to date, it was the best at it’s time.
    With your given points of not being able to tame down driving dynamics I think the evolution of ai supported systems can make a huge difference in how the end result feels.
    I believe some of us hardcore simracers not driving on peak performance levels may take a peak at those also.
  3. xerofer

    xerofer Registered

    Apr 25, 2019
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    When have you driven ACC the last time?
    It’s far from Simcade and more demanding than rF2 in certain aspects.
  4. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    We need to stop feeding the italian troll, thing, being... whatever it is.
  5. gecervi

    gecervi Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    racing setup is a bad simulator, with a graphic engine not made for driving simulations, and it's the same graphic engine that will be used for R Factor 3 maybe and this is a bad thing, and let's not talk about simulation because it is not a Sim Arcade, and has a very bad FF
    Mauro and Rui Santos like this.
  6. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    shovas likes this.
  7. AMillward

    AMillward Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    ACC. The sim that that Jenson Button, you know, the 2009 F1 World Champion, said was the most realistic GT3 experience anywhere? Okay.
  8. gianlucap

    gianlucap Registered

    Dec 11, 2016
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    That interview explains exactly what is going to happen.
    The MG developer says that the current assists of RF2 aren't enough for the novices. Why this? Because RF2, being a simulation, punishes the driver that drives like a fool even with all the electronics on, just like what would happen in a real car. And MG doesn't want this, because console games are aimed mostly at players who grew up with Forza and GT. So these expect a plug and play experience, with no frustration and time spent to learn things.
    As I've said, the only way for them to make RF2 behave like Forza when there is a novice driving is to do one or a couple of these things:
    - to adjust the setups of the cars to make them less difficult to drive
    - to adjust the current assists in order to make them more intrusive than what they are now (let's say stronger)
    - to introduce an invisible low level traction control or stability control that is active even when the players turn assists off
    - to dumb down the tire model

    I my opinion there is no other way around, and each one of these options will affect the experience of the current playerbase.
    Also, even establishing that these changes would "kick in" only when a gamepad is connected, this will punish the players that for whatever reason (space, accessibility, portability) are now playing the game with a controller, despite they are experienced simracers and they have no trouble controlling the cars.

    Of course I hope I'm wrong, because I love the game.
    Mauro and stonec like this.
  9. xerofer

    xerofer Registered

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Regarding UE, did you ever get an engine that lets you run competitively on that low Framerate? I surely did not. Getting only around 60 FPS was offputting at first, but driving in ACC with that stable 60 FPS in ALL conditions made me reevaluate.
    Shure the ghosting is horrible, but only in replays.
    Regarding FFB, you should take into consideration you are driving fat wide slick tires here. What do you expect getting through your wheel while scrubbing a big fat tire over the optimal slip angle?
    Kunos philosophy regarding FFB was always just to feed you the information the real steering column gives. No seats of the pants info. You like it real or do you need canned effects?
    I never drove a real GT3 car, do you? But from direct comparison it’s much more believable than the drifty rF2 ones. No wonder, Kunos just focuses on this specific car class.
    Like it or not.
  10. Germano Cervini

    Germano Cervini Registered

    May 22, 2020
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    confer, or all, and I'm in agreement with you, so they will ruin RF2 forever, sure they will see a lot and they will make a lot of money, it is the law of the market, Studio 397 did a horrible thing to see the product, it killed us who love the uncompromising simulator.
  11. AMillward

    AMillward Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    The thing's barely changed hands, how can it be dead already?
    trichens likes this.
  12. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Regarding S397 going to new parent company, we must consider that it wasn't totally independent before either. I often expressed doubts about Luminis, if it was giving all the chances to rF2. S397 now being together with MG company must result in proper synergy IMO, which perhaps wasn't possible in Luminis. The only concern is if rF2 gets treated as the real queen/king as it deserves, or if it will be pushed aside or masked out and warped in some way, which would be a shame. IMO if MG treats rF2 properly it is going to be signature title for them, and will earn lots of respect. However, they may also go to earn quick money to win more in the short run, bet then everybody would loose in the long run.

    I also hope so much that the rF2 itself is not going to get converted to UE, I would be really sad about it. I am a believer of rF2 original graphics angine, and I think a lot of goodness is in it, it just takes work to develop it. And a lot of awesome improvements on it already was made, it would be sad to loose this progress. By the way, it would be rather monotonic to have too many games on UE engine.
    trichens likes this.
  13. gianlucap

    gianlucap Registered

    Dec 11, 2016
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    What does it mean "uncompromising". Race cars nowadays use electronic assists. I want them when they are available in real life, even if I won't use them in the end. A simulation has to be realistic. The important thing is that, whatever decisions they will take for the game, they keep it simulative as it is now.
    If they want to add a novice option for the new players, it's ok. Just let things as they are for the current playerbase who don't need to switch on the novice option.
    trichens likes this.
  14. dav_0075

    dav_0075 Registered

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Positive point
    Large group having the means to develop games quickly with prestigious official licenses and the latest technologies (graphics engine etc...) KUNOS ACC style
    (Partners: ACO, WEC, LE ManS, NASCAR,BTCC)
    Simulation acquisition: rfactor2, kartkraft (simulation)
    Recent statements:
    Simulation accessible to as many people as possible: for greater profitability and satisfy shareholders and profitable acquisitions
    The future BTCC simu-arcade
    End of modding to be expected: The goal is to earn maximum money with DLC, subscription etc...
    End of the development of rfactor 2 to be expected within 1 year or 2 years...

    The pure and hard simulations will satisfy the "hardcore" simracers but unfortunately it's too unprofitable to believe the game developers (very positive reviews but average sales ...)

    So rather than doing arcade games for the gamer who just wants to have fun (forza gran turismo) and/or make pure and hard simulations for others (rfactor2 iracing) ,

    game developers want to systematically at the moment lay us simu-arcades in the hope of reaching the largest number of players (PC-consoles)
    Personally I left the world of consoles for the PC for 5 years and invested in rather high-end hardware it is in order to always get closer to the sensations of reality and not play pseudo simulations.
    EA sport which buys codermasters
    Motorsport game which buys studio 397 and black dela
    Is this the end of the "small" studio - the locking of certain licenses for several years
    (porsche for more than 10 years with EA sport)

    It's not very reassuring
    pkelly, mixer61 and Mauro like this.
  15. Germano Cervini

    Germano Cervini Registered

    May 22, 2020
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    and all day I've been saying it here, same things I've tried to explain, the future of RF2 is not good, an era is over, but I never believed that Studio 397 would sell itself like this, with no respect for those who invested in their jobs, I also bought Formula E, I have everything, and now it's bad news, goodbye RF2
    AlexHeuskat likes this.
  16. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I have made a backup, so even if they destroy the game I could play in this actual state.
  17. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I've contructed a Bunker, just in case the Death Star invades the earth.
    PS: I've bought a lot thousands of rolls of toilet paper too, just in case...
  18. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Logically speaking, it makes no sense to destroy Rfactor because it is already there. But it can be presented as a reference product. It is the realistic simulation for the "professional" esport market. At the same time, it can also serve as advertising for the titles based on it. That would be the most logical use of Rfactor in my view. The only thing I find questionable is the modding factor, which could become a problem in such a big company (licences and rights etc).
    In addition, exclusive rights of the other games could limit the content available for Rfactor. No one knows what's coming, but it doesn't have to be bad, especially since I think Marcel is one of the biggest Rfactor fans and I don't think he's selling his baby to let them die....
    trichens likes this.
  19. gecervi

    gecervi Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    this is where my disappointment comes to you, he was a huge rfactor fan, this alone gives me hope for good
  20. Binny

    Binny Guest

    What happens in the next 6 months will tell us if it was the right move.
    Elcid43 and shovas like this.

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