AI way too slow on some 3rd party tracks.

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by schigara, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. schigara

    schigara Registered

    Jan 5, 2015
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    I have one track that even with the AI strength set to 120% the AI is going painfully slow. What is the correct way to speed them up? I have done the AI calibration and it helped a bit but I would still need the AI strength to be at something crazy like 150-175%.

    Next I tried increasing the worstadjust, midadjust and bestadjust in the aiw file. I used the Mas file utility to extract all the files from mas file then edited the aiw and then put all those files back in the mas utility and created a mas file with the same file name but now the track no longer shows up in the track list.

    What am I doing wrong?
  2. matf1

    matf1 Registered

    Dec 27, 2011
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    You are doing nothing wrong, it is sometimes a simple thing, other times not so.
    Simply, there have been a number of third party tracks converted from rF1 and other sims. The people doing these conversions are often not skilled holistically so every conversion is likely to be suffering somewhere.

    What can you do?
    At this point in time, you have two choices. Learn how to use the rFactor 2 editor(dev mode) and record new paths.
    Ask someone to do this for you.

    Why isn't it done already by someone?
    It has been done by many people including myself, but we are not in a position to release such things as...
    1) The conversion may well be illegal (ripped from another game).
    2) May be in active development by someone or we have been unable to secure permission for a release.
    3) What works for me may not for you. Real AI dev that you would expect with a quality release requires tuning for many individual cars. My edits are for the car I'm driving at the time.

    It's not hard to use the editor, 20 minutes maybe to learn the basics. Then you can not only fix all the content you use, you can tailor it to suit.

    Examples include what you tried already with the adjusts. I like to leave my difficulty on 100%, so all AIW is tuned for that, for my pace.
    My favourite though, is reducing acceleration, where it is impossible for a human to match, and in turn increasing cornering speed, so that I can race extremely close without having to adjust for the AI.
    Slowing the braking ability they have so they don't ram me unnecessarily.

    Which car and track is it?
  3. schigara

    schigara Registered

    Jan 5, 2015
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    The track is Sachsenring GP V1.0 and the car is the ISI Formula2.

    Thanks so much. I never realized what the DevMode was. I have just installed the SDK and am going to learn how to use it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2015
  4. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    To use edited files in the game you have to make a new package of that component, only replacing the mas file which contains the changed file(s) don't works. But it won't work online anymore then, unless you create a complete own version.
    The good news is, that you can use edited files in DevMode as loose files outside of a mas file.
  5. matf1

    matf1 Registered

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I didn't read that part very well first time around.
    You did fine up until the last part where all the mas files need to be packed in a rfcmp which you then need to install like any downloaded track.

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