Adjusting AIW files.

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by Navigator, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Hi guys,

    I try to work on an AIW file; the track makes cars hit the barrier (the AI I mean) and I love the track; work needed ;)

    I got the track in devmod, got the AIW editing section open, read almost everything there is to read about this.......and now I have some questions :)

    First of all; as stated in the pdf from ISI themselves, there should be more lines than one, right?
    I only got one line; right through the middle. However; it says in the box, it is the fastest line.......

    The problem is only at one corner; do I really make a new fastest line or can I adjust some points?
    And; is a new middle line needed PLUS a fastest line? If I rerecord; the middle line probably goes away?

    Does it alter the AIW on it's own when I record?

    Well, some things I wanted to know before I really can sit down for this; some more questions will follow I'm afraid ;)
  2. Tosch

    Tosch Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The line in the middle (with the green markers) is the main path. Every path you add will take this as reference. That means if you drive a fast path, rF2 will not use absolute coordinates for this path. The positions of each point of the new path are described as something like 1.02 meters right from the main path. What you see in devmode is the main path and the fastest path overlay each other (default if no fast path has been created yet). Just drive a new fast path. You don't have to do this in one lap. Try it as often as you want. rF2 will take the path with the fastest laptime (you can reset the laptime counter). When you are pleased with your path, stop recording and save the waypoints. As a final step you should check the path at waypoint 0 (start finish line for the most tracks) because there is most likely a kink in the path, because your last waypoint is not aligned with the first waypoint. Mark some waypoints before and after and select "normalize path".
    For a good AIW there should be more than a fastest path. You should add a left, right and block path. You can name new paths in the path menu.
    When everything is done leave the track in devmode, start it again and save the waypoints.

    Please make sure you have always a copy of a working AIW file before you start to edit.

    Here is a good guide for AIW creation.
  3. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Thanks mate; nice explanation!

    I'm going to work with that; I have good hopes now :)
  4. freew67

    freew67 Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  5. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Nice, thank you mate!
  6. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    just dont forget the BLOCK path when doing AIW, as good as the rf1 tutorials are they wont mention BLOCK so always revert back to the RF2 ISI AIW guide occasionally :)

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