Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by Brutten, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I have noticed that, for some time now, the ambient sounds have stopped being heard on track.
    I don't know if it's a problem of mine or something that has changed in rFactor.

    I reference the sounds in the *.CAM file as follows:

    ATTENUATION=(1.000000, 0.00, 3.000000, 0.032000)
    POSITION=(140.4480, 22.2222, -18.8924))

    Could it be that some parameter of ATTENUATION has to be altered?
    And, taking advantage of the message, can someone explain me the ATTENUATION parameters?
  2. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    The sounds do work, the problem seems to be the volume of the sounds.
    It is possible that with the new audio system it is necessary to adjust some parameter.
    I have been able to verify that the first attenuation parameter is the volume. Increasing this value I have been able to hear the ambient sounds.

    I hope to be able to decipher the other parameters.
    Corti and DJCruicky like this.
  3. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Greetings, I've hit my head on a wall again.

    I have returned to this issue and I still do not understand the attenuation parameters in the CAM file for ambient sounds.

    No matter how many tests I do, I can't make any progress in my knowledge. When I get the sound to be heard and I try to change some parameter it stops playing.

    Not finding information anywhere I ask the question again in case this time I have more luck.
    Does anyone know what each parameter in the ATTENUATION=(A,B,C,D) line affects?

    A track feels more real when you have a background sound and custom ambiences depending on the zone the vehicle is in.
  4. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @Brutten I fear it will not help you much, but the below "Explanation" is from a Verhicle SFX Sound File:

    And when i look at the Loch Drummond cam File for Example, all these Entries are the same for each Sound File.
    Maybe that whole System is WIP too?

    What exactly do you want to achieve, when you change the Values?
  5. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    First parameter seems to be the volume/gain. I use some ambient sounds at Belle Isle. With the parameters for Loch Drummond there is only silence

    For example:
    ATTENUATION=(5.000000, 0.750000, 3.000000, 0.022000)
    ATTENUATION=(5.000000, 0.750000, 3.000000, 0.022000)
    ATTENUATION=(15.000000, 0.750000, 3.000000, 0.022000)
    POSITION=(-247.5074, 58.0266, 43.6073)

  6. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Thank you all.

    @redapg My intention is that the environment of the box is not heard beyond what is necessary. That when passing near a road the sound of traffic is heard louder. If I position a helicopter I want it to be heard very clear when it is close and remain in the background throughout the circuit. Basically I want to customize areas of the circuit.

    I was thinking that the parameters would be of the type: Volume, distance at which the sound can be perceived... but according to what you have indicated in the SFX example it does not correspond to my expectations.

    @Manfredk2 According to my tests the volume would be the 2nd parameter, it is difficult to discern. I also thought the 4th parameter was the distance at which the sound starts to become perceptible.

    I'm afraid it's going to be a failed venture.

    Thank you very much.
  7. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    (I have edited the thread header to better correspond to the content of the thread)

    As I am stubborn, and I have not given up yet, I comment details that I have observed and that give some idea of some things that can be done.

    I start by saying that you can customize all the sounds. I pack the wav files in the MAS file that contains SCN, GDB, AIW, etc. (surely it could be done in a more specific one but I have not tried it).

    I have noticed that if I change AMBIENTSOUND=XXXXXXX it doesn't seem to work, so the inference is that it is mandatory to use the names announcer, crowd, generic, airhorn, and pithorn (there may be some more).


    AMBIENTSOUND=Pithorn - statement only carries the attenuation parameters and a line that references it to PITLIGHTIN. The sound that triggers it must be called PITHORN.wav (call your custom file like this and include it in the corresponding MAS)

    ATTENUATION=(6.000000, 0.750000, 3.000000, 0.022000)

    AMBIENTSOUND=Generic - Global ambient sound with a large distance range. <filename>.wav

    AMBIENTSOUND=Crowd - Needs three files (depending on development mode) <filename>.wav, <filename>_bad.wav, and <filename>_cheer.wav. It seems that the radius at which it is audible is close than the generic.

    AMBIENTSOUND=Announcer - Not tested yet.

    AMBIENTSOUND=Airhorn - Not tested yet.

    The Attenuation parameters are still a mystery, and looking at other CAM files they all seem to have the same values.
    However, when varying some of them, small differences are noticeable.

    The tests made in development mode, to work, need to be located in the SOUND folder of the development mode (it is not enough to put them in the main folder of the circuit, for packaging and distribution if they must be included in the main MAS.

    I have made the tests with two WAV files (440 hz and 220 hz) normalized and with the same parameters for all the tested sound types. This way you can better appreciate how they behave depending on whether they are Crowd, Generic, etc.

    I hope I have explained myself well and that I can guide someone else interested in this subject.
    I will continue smoking my pipe and using my researcher's magnifying glass in case I discover something else.
    philrob, Hazi and DJCruicky like this.
  8. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Yesterday I got frustrated. I pack the circuit and... in local mode there are no ambient sounds.

    Fortunately I found the root of the problem:

    It seems that the new sound system uses the top parameters of the configuration screen.

    The ambient sounds are set at the bottom of that screen.

    Emery, DJCruicky and Corti like this.

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