Ability to select specific version of the simulation or having stable/latest channels

Discussion in 'Wish Lists' started by Ivan Baldo, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. Ivan Baldo

    Ivan Baldo Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Maybe it would be helpful to be able to easily select a specific version of the simulation from the launcher in an easy way for the user, in an as trivial as possible way and trouble free.
    For example, having installed build 930 but wanting to participate in a race that the administrator decided to use build 910, the user would be able to select that build in the launcher as a sort of downgrade, all files downloaded and installed and his simulator correctly downgraded to build 910, without difficulty and having to manually download build 910 and install it on top.
    It would be ok also if the user cannot select a specific version but just the previous version as the current one, maybe that would be easier on the servers or the implementation...
    Alternatively, another approach would be to have two software channels: one called "stable" and one called "latest", but the user should be able to chose between the two at will to be able to participate in servers that are using the stable version and other servers that are using the latest version.
    Since rFactor 2 is still evolving (and thats great!) and is a very complex software, it is impossible to have every single build run perfectly an all the diverse machines and software configurations out there, so being able to switch easily between the latest build and an older more battle tested build can be useful for running successfully a championship without too much surprises, and having some races testing the latest build to detect problems early before they get to the stable channel.
    I know that maybe this is not easy to implement, but maybe the benefits to the user base make the implementation worthwhile, so I just write this as a suggestion for ISI's consideration.
    Thanks for listening!
    Have a great day and happy coding (or debugging, heh)!
  2. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Multiple installs using same GameData path, problem solved.

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