8 Speed Gearbox in garage menu

Discussion in 'Car Modding' started by luvre, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. luvre

    luvre Registered

    May 10, 2011
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    Hi, I belong to Modteam of Speedinlive. I try to mount a gear box 8-speed in our new car (FSinL 4). The line within the hdv is simple: "ForwardGears = 8"
    I also found this:

    (The attached: http://isiforums.net/f/attachment.php?attachmentid=8306&d=1371747794)
    (The post: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/12906-8-Speed-Gearboxes)

    Well, after trying in Dev Mode and check it out, I packed the car and I've tried the "Single Player" mode.
    The car track has 8 speeds, but the display of configuarción garage is this:
    View attachment 11724

    The graph shows the 8 speed, but lack the selector of 8th gear. Obviously, this makes it unfeasible to implement this gearbox if not resolved.
    Am I missing something or is a bug in the interface? Any solution?

    Sorry for my English. Then write the original.

    Hola, pertenezco al Modteam de Speedinlive. Trato de montar una caja de marchas de 8 velocidades en nuestro nuevo coche (FSinL 4). La linea dentro del hdv es sencilla: "ForwardGears=8"
    También he encontrado esto:

    (La foto adjunta: http://isiforums.net/f/attachment.php?attachmentid=8306&d=1371747794)
    (El post original: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/12906-8-Speed-Gearboxes)

    Bien, pues después de probar en Dev Mode y comprobar que funciona, he empacado el coche y lo he probado en el modo "Single Player".
    El coche en pista tiene 8 velocidades, pero en la pantalla de configuración del garaje se ve esto:
    View attachment 11724

    El gráfico muestra las 8 velocidades, pero falta el selector de la 8ª velocidad. Evidentemente, esto hace inviable el implementar esta caja de cambios si no se soluciona.
    ¿Estoy omitiendo algo o es un bug de la interface? ¿Alguna solución?
    Disculpas por mi inglés
  2. Max Angelo

    Max Angelo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Actually i asked to ISI and the reply, if i remember well, was that atm an editing of the GUI is required, because the current garage UI is set with seven forward gears.
  3. Marco Boy

    Marco Boy Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Right.... to have 8th gear in Single Player or Multiplayer you must edit the UI and at least to use the moddev UI.OSC files (where 8th gear is visible)...

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