We had start issues on the Nordschleife. this track has no lights or flagman so we tried the next best thing, fast-rolling (server takes control of grid, moves it and releases it before s/f line) But its a mess in this build (or maybe in general in rf2 I don't know) Once the grid gets released there are heavy collisions between cars and they just crash/jump/jerk into each other and that's the end of it. So we used a Hud start..... This issue is with both AI and real drivers, on and of line. its making events on tracks like these pretty hard to do. Is it the collision model? Or does the server just misplace cars upon release? (sure feels like that) (in rf1 this was also an issue but far less, and it was doable) Has anyone been able to make this thing work somehow? did we accidently do it wrong? Any help would be appreciated, we intend to use this track more and would like to have a normal start sequence without having to explain to people what to do. (plus any future tracks with the same issues) Thx
Or...and this has been requested before, maybe ISI can implement a simple on-screen lights-graphic? user could turn it on/off at will but it would be very helpful in general. I know there are hud plugins that have this but we cannot expect everyone to install it. and we have guests and public events as well. so a 3rd party fix would not be a fix as not everyone would have such a thing and starts would still be potentially messy. Coming from rf2 as an additional option would be pretty great. inb4 Jerry says yes
LOL@ Jerry comment. I'm not an admin. and never have been but all of the rolling starts we've done we have to do manually. Meaning, the green flag drops, we do the pace lap and the leader starts the race at a chosen location. From what I know, rolling starts don't work at the moment.
I've never tried fast rolling, but my league uses slow rolling and they work fine. That doesn't help much on Nords however because a 15 min pace lap would suck! If I am on a track or in a grid position where I can't see the lights or flagman, I watch the race timer in the standard HUD. When it starts to count off, the race has begun.
Yup we did the Hud start as well. it works if everyone knows what is expected, i.e a closed game. But that doesn't work when going public, having guests or members whom just pop in without reading event-info. Good to know the normal Rolling start works. wont help on the Nords but on other tracks its at least an option edit: something in my memory....very vague.....cant admins cancel a formation lap? If so we could go Rolling, cancel, start.