Spiralagon (woochoo's game)

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by woochoo, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Hi Everyone,
    I've made a game in Unreal Engine 4 which I'll be releasing soon
    (edit: AVAILABLE NOW on ITCH!)
    (edit 2: on Steam)
    It's a platformer/racer, which might give you the speed-thrills and scratch the precision itch.
    It's non-violent, so should be ok for kids and adults.
    Single Player / 3D Platformer / High-Score / Time Trial / Speedrun / Casual / Competitive / First-Person / Third-Person / Side-Scrolling / Multiple Player Characters / Multiple Game Modes / Multiple Play Styles
    Spiralagon is a single-player 3D platformer, where players tackle spiraling paths in dangerous environments, cutting corners and taking risks to set high scores or fast times, or both. Choose from a range of characters with different traits to maximise speed or score, or select No Pressure mode for a more relaxing experience without worrying about time or health. Speed Boosts, Jump Boosts, and Teleporting can be activated with fuel pickups for rapid scoring and last-moment sprints to the finish gate. First-person, third-person, and side-scrolling views are available, as well as configurable text popups and announcers to keep players overwhelmed with information. Leaderboards at the end of each level let players track their progress in single level play, zone play, and in the full campaign.

    Players will have to decide when they should keep scoring and when they should start making their escape. Allow time for mistakes? Is a teleport set for emergencies? Will a speed boost make a faster time or a mistake? Is it too risky to skip entire sections of the path, or is it too late for any other choice? Players are tempted with more, enabled with now, and pressured by failure. Spiral out of control with speed and greed in Spiralagon.





    I hope to release it as a sort of late-beta on itch in early November. (edit: it's available now!)
    It will be Pay What You Want pricing:
    Recommended USD$9.00, min $0.00 (yeh, free)

    If you've ever felt a desire to donate to me for Longford, or Le Grand Circuit, or Matsusaka, or the G4 Mod, or the Cobra mod, this could be a way to do it. And you'd get a free game as a bonus!

    Check out the Spiralagon store page on itch.io for all the information (and it's where you can get a copy and donate)

    Spiralagon is developed under the studio name Terminal Button Entertainment, which is just me by a more neurobiological name :)
    I'm hoping to build a little bit of support before release.
    You can like Terminal Button on facebook to get news and information leading up to and following release.

    Thanks for having a look,
    Let me know what you think,
    And I hope you can give the game a try when it's ready :D
    (Marcel gave me permission to post this)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2022
    adamfarmer, Louis, Korva7 and 16 others like this.
  2. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    aaaand i've made a new video showing the speed / precision aspect which appeals to me similarly in Spiralagon and car sims.
    It's Spiralagon's Speed mode, with it's fastest character Ztux (potentially faster characters to be added later).

    There are a few small hiccups in the run, but not bad.
    In motorsport terms, it's hotlapping / time-trialing / hill climbing / rallying. Solo, against the clock.
    I would like to add multiplayer later for some actual "racing", and maybe AI.

    And there are also the other game modes in Spiralagon:
    Greed, where collecting maximum points within a time limit is the goal.
    Speed Greed, where the player collects maximum points, at the same time as clearing the checkpoint course asap.

    The game also includes the option to turn motion blur and camera shake off, and the text popups and announcer voices :)
  3. nonamenow

    nonamenow Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    Be really interested to know what you do in your spare time woochoo....:p
    Not what I'm usually into but I'll have some fun....;)
    woochoo likes this.
  4. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Thanks :) Fun is what i have in mind, plus a bit of panic thrown in to heighten the thrill of not failing :D

    my spare time is usually made up of making a coffee, making some food, and sleeping. And desperately and naively optimistically hoping I can make a somewhat successful videogame :D
  5. nonamenow

    nonamenow Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    And after lunch?? :p Or is that when you work on race sims...hehehe
  6. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    After lunch is coffee again :p
    No sim work going on currently. I had to set Spiralagon aside while I worked on the new version of Longford and some work for Kart Sim
    nonamenow likes this.
  7. Prodigy

    Prodigy Registered

    Nov 2, 2012
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    The guy in the video telling the score at the end @0:57 sounds exactly like Bane from Batman :)
  8. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    haha, I can confirm that until moments ago, Terminal Button's unqualified in-house voice actor had never seen any footage from, nor been influenced by any Batman movie or other audible content featuring Bane. But yeah, I guess i hear the similarity :)
    Eddy likes this.
  9. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I think I'm pretty close to having my game ready. I've got a couple more promo videos

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
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  10. Louis

    Louis Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    The beggining reminds me intergalactic from beastie boys :D
    Flaux and woochoo like this.
  11. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Announcement about the game I've been working on...
    Spiralagon is now available!


    A mildly silly, spiralling 3D platformer that can be played in first-person, third-person, and side-scrolling.
    The 58sec main promo vid has been re-shot, though its almost identical

    Spiralagon can be downloaded without a donation, but if anyone feels like they've gotten too much value from Longford or Le Grand Circuit or any other stuff I've worked on for rF2, they'd be most welcome to include a donation :)

    store page: https://terminalbutton.itch.io/spiralagon

    A couple of my characters posing for screenshots:
    Aalon, in Hypotherm Hole 2

    Ztux (the fast one), in Corpse's Coil 2 SpiralagonScreen_62.jpg

    many screenshots here: https://www.instagram.com/terminalbutton/

    some of the text from the store page:
    Gameplay :
    Take Aalon and the other characters up snowy mountain peaks, down magma wells, or into illogical arrangements of HVAC and hardware
    • Clear checkpoints to set fastest times in Speed mode
    • Collect points and a key to get high scores in Greed mode
    • Clear checkpoints, and collect points and a key in SpeedGreed
    • Don't run out of health and don't run out of time
    • Risk or recover using speed boosts, jump boosts, and teleportation
    • Get back to the finish gate with your score and moments to spare.
    Spiralagon is configurable to suit some different play styles and provide some different experiences. For example:
    • A stressful, twitchy rush with high speeds and short time limits in a roasting volcanic environment
    • A safe and steady maximisation of score and health with 10+ minutes of tactically navigating air conditioning units, heater and freezer elements, fans, and ice
    • A relaxing and contemplative spiral ascent and descent of alpine peaks, free from time limits or health levels in No Pressure mode
    • A measured, permadeath campaign across all levels with an accumulating score and elapsing 42 minute timer, enabling indulgence in high points areas and allowing the necessary focus in difficult areas if health and campaign time are managed well
    • Play at your leisure in No Pressure mode.
    Is it safe to speed boost through the last few checkpoints without falling down a gap and ruining the entire run? Should the level be restarted if an edge or ledge slowed the start? Is there enough time to accumulate a slightly higher score and then escape without a mistake? These are some of the spiraling traps of speed and greed in Spiralagon.
  12. nonamenow

    nonamenow Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    Cool, just bought and downloading now. Cheers woochoo.
    woochoo likes this.
  13. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Thanks so much! :D:):D:):D:):D:):D
  14. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I'm delighted that the first and hopefully not last video has appeared of someone trying to get to grips with Spiralagon in a first-play video. Not only that but it's pretty funny video if it suits your comedic tastes, and it does suit mine, so I was happy happy happy watching it :D

    It's edited, and just under 15min long. Snappy, upbeat, laughs, and full of confusion!
    Entirely worth a watch if you want an idea of what it's like to try my game for the first time. Valuable to me for that reason as well.
    Without shame I'll say that I'm happy that he is initially confused, because I know the game is on the whole quite simple and easy enough to learn by experimenting, and you can see that happening in the video. And he does discover the small intro level after a while (the intro level is deliberately not the default first level :p )

    I don't know Marxxiez, but i'll be checking out a few more of his videos :)
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
    adamfarmer likes this.
  15. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    A couple more first-play videos have popped up :D
    Both are around 13mins, and include confusion and some eventual realisations and understanding. Some ;)

    Thanks to...
    Nautical Soap

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    Louis likes this.
  16. nonamenow

    nonamenow Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    As I can't get my controller to work I haven't had a chance to try this yet mate. Got an xbox 360 controller on it's way....
  17. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Nice. I haven't tried it with an official 360 controller (only XBox One), but I guess it should work.
    Also, if your other controller is functional, but just not with this game, you could try running it with a third-party program
    eg https://www.x360ce.com/
    That ought to allow generic controllers (ie non-official XBox controllers) to work.
    The game is also entirely playable with a keyboard & mouse :)
  18. nonamenow

    nonamenow Registered

    May 3, 2017
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  19. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Right, not sure what's going on with an actual XBox One controller not working. I'll look into it, but I don't know if I'll be able to do anything about it :(
  20. nonamenow

    nonamenow Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    I suspect it could be either a dodgy controller or some config issue my end maybe. Never tried using one before. I'll sort it eventually.

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