ASR Formula Open Wheel Classic

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Sderenno, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Luprosx

    Luprosx Registered

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Thanks for the update.
    I noticed with the Jordan that in 6th gear when accelerating at about 12500-12700 rpm the engine sound cuts out briefly.
    Likewise with the benetton.
    Seems to be with the ford engines.

    Will there be a soundupdate for the Dallara F3?
    It produces a lot of wind, but little engine sound!
  2. babu76

    babu76 Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Also the external sound of the v12 Ferrari probably don't work correcly.
  3. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Registered

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Hmmm, cars are still very fragile, you can blow the engine/gearbox with one 6- 2nd downshift. Jumping gears in the H pattern cars was a very common practice in this era - Senna, Schuey etc all did it. Maybe a bit of tolerence in the engine braking is needed.

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023
  4. buzz hornet

    buzz hornet Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    *** update ***

    1991 Season by ASR Formula

    ChangeLog Version 1.1 LE and 1.2 HE

    - New Physics League Edition and Historic Edition by Nicola Acciarri

    Please note:
    The update will finally include the Historic Edition, which is real performance for each team. For this I would like to publicly thank Nicola Acciarri, who helped me with this by accepting my request for help.
    In addition to minor graphical adjustments and minor general improvements, there will be 2 physics. A League Edition physics that will upgrade the basic mod package to version 1.1 LE.
    This version will include all free racing teams, 2 drivers per team and a single No Tobacco skin.
    The same package will also be updated on Steam Workshop.
    The Historic Edition version will upgrade the basic package to the advanced 1.2 HE version.
    The package will be included in the usual additional Coloni DLC.
    Updating to the 1.2 HE version will include all drivers participating in the 1991 season, all skins for each GP (included in the package), customised sparks and of course different performances for each team, including of course the drivers' RCDs (Talent).
    Please note, version 1.2 HE requires the basic packages of the Web Site version.
    The Steam version cannot be updated to HE Edition.
    pascom, Corgan, Corti and 4 others like this.
  5. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Cars are much better, good job, tires don't overheat in a straight line and car is not planted anymore, but steering still too direct, F1 1993 (ASR) is perfect in that department.. please fix it!

    Also, cars don't have sparks, any problem with that?
  6. Luprosx

    Luprosx Registered

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I really like driving this mod.
    Always a lot of fun.
    Only the sound, especially in the replay, is really not that good anymore.
    Since the 397 update, I think from May, as far as the sound is concerned, something doesn't fit so well anymore.
    In the replay, the engine is too quiet. TV cockpit = ok.
    Everything is a bit muted, not so clear and distinct.
    Curb and other noises are too loud, the wind is too dominant.
    Where is the special engine sound of the individual engines?
    Too bad. Also with the ASR F3 Dallara the same problem.
    That has to be solved.
    With the original 397 cars, everything fits, regardless of the camera angle.
    It's not my sound system because all the others fit!
    Please turn the correct adjusting screws!
  7. AKR

    AKR Registered

    Oct 26, 2022
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    In cockpit view I cannot hear the other cars (own website version) anymore ...
  8. Corti

    Corti Registered

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Matt21 and pkelly like this.
  9. DiggerHawk

    DiggerHawk Registered

    Jul 29, 2020
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    I have been racing the 1991 LE Workshop version at S397's Donington GP and have noticed that the Ai controlled Lambo 291's suffer severe damage on the Craner Curves every time. I don't know if the same happens if the car is player controlled as I have yet to drive that chassis. It affects only that car not any others on the grid.

    Apart from that I haven't noticed any other issues except the Ai interlocking wheels with you sometimes. Great content for rF2.
  10. DiggerHawk

    DiggerHawk Registered

    Jul 29, 2020
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    So I gave the Lambo 291 a drive. I couldn't get it to explode on the same curb as the Ai did, maybe I didn't hit it at the same point. But after many laps all of a sudden on another curb the following happened.

    Again, done of the other 1991 cars are affected just the Lambo 291.
  11. Art_Pereira

    Art_Pereira Registered

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Hi :)
    Unfortunately I can´t pay using PayPal from my country. Is there another way to pay for the HE edition?
  12. AKR

    AKR Registered

    Oct 26, 2022
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    When downloading paid content from the ASR website you never know when cars are updated. You are forced to check manually, but there is no system in place to check versions easely. Not even notices on their website. So confusing. If you download their content for free from Steam you never have to worry about updates since they come automaticly, however if you paid for this same content, you still have to manually install everything as soon as you notice steam updates have arrived. ASR makes good mods, but the rest is ...[^*%G*]... not so good,
    vava74 and Bjørn like this.
  13. alesanchez

    alesanchez Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    @AKR We have a Discord channel where news updates are posted. Those who follow us are always well informed. But since we make good mods, but the rest is [^*%G*] Crap?, as you just said, you may as well disregard our mods
  14. AKR

    AKR Registered

    Oct 26, 2022
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    Thanks for pointing this out. An automatic email notification or clear indication on your website would be handy though. Discord is not used by all of us. Your last remark is not professional so will be ignored. Remember that the customer is always right.
  15. 3377

    3377 Registered

    Oct 16, 2010
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    I do not want to put fuel to the fire... But.... Before discord was used by ASR I never had problem finding that updates were made for the ASR looking at their site or going to YouTube Facebook or any social media. It takes less that 5 minutes

    Remember that ASR is still a modding team that do content for rf2 and AC freely or for a few quids. They are not a brand like Nike where you buy things.... They are a modding team, modding is not their job.

    Your comment about customer being allways right is put of place then, remember that it's done on free time. Also remember that customer is not obligated to be a jerk..... you can be unhappy and comment about it. But it would have been a idea in my pov to directly contact ASR and not post like it. It's not constructive.....
    alesanchez likes this.
  16. alesanchez

    alesanchez Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    @AKR You do not deserve an answer, but I answer anyway.
    On the website on the home page you will always see the latest update, for example today you will see the tracks released for AC.
    Going to the website and looking at the versions is really a quick and easy thing to do, if you are not able to do this that's your problem, quite a serious one I would say.
    I understand that you don't use discord, but all Modding Teams do it now to inform their users, it's direct, immediate and in real time, more effective than communicating news on the website. And we are like a family.
    Not only that, news is posted on Instagram, and Telegram. On the website on the home page there are links. The communication channels are there as you see. But if you don't use them don't complain by writing nonsense.
    Always good at complaining, and to me, frankly, these attitudes of 5-year-olds annoy me a lot.
    I conclude that for about a month now a service has been in operation to inform users by e-mail, naturally users who have subscribed to content. The service is still experimental tested with some users who have sent me positive feedback.
    Before you speak, try to be informed. Finally, my last remark in the previous communication is not necessarily meant to be professional, but objectively a response to your post in which you accuse and throw shit on my work. And after the time and effort I put with my team into it, I find it offensive. The customer is not always right, he is often boorish. Learn to show respect.

    Translated with DeepL
  17. AKR

    AKR Registered

    Oct 26, 2022
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    Very pleased with the new email notification system ! Compliments.
  18. alesanchez

    alesanchez Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Highlandwalker, pkelly, Corti and 2 others like this.
  19. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    All ASR cars from the 1991 season are now hidden and can't be accessed. I still can see them in my Steam inventory page since I had them installed but I can't access the mod page and they can't be found in the Workshop.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2023
  20. alesanchez

    alesanchez Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    They are now visible. Steam required acceptance of the new rules.
    pascom, Reiche and Bernat like this.

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