Rolling Start / Formation Issues

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by William Dunbar, Nov 11, 2022.

  1. William Dunbar

    William Dunbar Registered

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Hey everyone. Does anyone have any experience in troubleshooting rolling start issues. It's super strange. Doing a normal pace lap the AI will follow the left and right lines correctly. However, when the pace car enters the pit lane and disappears (teleports) all the AI stop on the track. In multiplayer, the green flag never triggers on rolling starts. Standing starts work just fine. Also, in single player, if I skip the formation lap and start from the teleported area, it works fine. There is just something strange about the Safety Car entering pit road that breaks the rolling starts. Are there are docs on how to setup rolling starts or troubleshooting that?
  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I remember that i did have a similar Problem with a Track a long Time ago, but it also happened in Single Payer already.
    The Reason was one of these 2 or both together:
    1.The first Car in the Grid crosses the XFinish Object (that usually is positioned at the Start/Finish Line) before the Safety Car crosses the XPitIn Object.
    2. The first Car in the Grid that crosses the XFinish Object is not the Pole Setter.
    Check these 2 Things.
    If you can not solve it, open a private Conversation with me.

    EDIT I forgot: also check if the Track has ALTGRID Positions in the AIW (to avoid aother Problems)
    EDIT 2 (i really get forgetful :D) It can also be, that there are overlapping Corridors of the Pit and the main Path, between of the XPitIn and XPitOut Objects.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
  3. William Dunbar

    William Dunbar Registered

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Thanks for the help. I have no idea what I am doing but I was able to fix this. I moved the starting grid positions up to the finish line and set the pace car formation start to just in front of that. Originally the pace car was leaving the track to pit in after the first starting grid position. Now, the pace car leaves, and the starting grid position (spot 1) is not reached. I don't know why that matters but rolling starts work now. I learned a lot about AIWs though. Hopefully I can fix more. This one I just fixed is the Daytona 2022 in steam workshop. I just wanted to get off of the outdated DX11 Daytona 1.28 that we have to use for GT3 :D
    redapg and Emery like this.

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