[REL] Barcelona 2021 Community Update

Discussion in 'Locations' started by redapg, May 26, 2022.

  1. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    That sounds good and it's good to see that my short Video could help.
    In the Meantime i also have tried to improve the AIW, but my Problem is, that i can not get the FASTEST being faster, when the AI drives.
    The original AIW from @Luis Barata, like @Manfredk2 has said already, is really good.
    I did use the @ApexModding Ferrari 854 in DevMode for testing, after @Marcos did write that the GT3 AI in the main Game is around 2 Seconds slower on this Track at 100% Strength and i can confirm that and i am also not the fastest Driver. :D
    So i'm curious to see how your AIW will work. ;)
  2. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Hello. Well, it's ready. I have spoken with LuisB, the user who converted the circuit, and I told him that it would be possible, if there is no problem, to send him the link of the packaged rfcmp, which would be version 1.2 of the one published by redapg a few days ago. The end is that I updated from steamworkshop. Of course, I would need the names of those who have worked on this update, so that in the description of the circuit in SteamWorkShop, it can be read, as gratitude for the participation. Tomorrow I'll share the link so you can try it and give me feedback on how you see the AIW, and if anyone thinks it can improve any aspect of the AIW, go ahead. My first time doing an AIW, and it has cost me, but now I have the steps written down, and I want to continue working on other circuits. Cheers
    DJCruicky likes this.
  3. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I am in Contact with Luis already and to avoid any Irritations, it would be good, if you send me the AIW, that i can send Luis the whole Package then.
    One simple Reason is, that i can exactly tell him which Files are modified in which Way.
    And Luis did say that he will also give Credits, so the Credits for the AIW Improvements will be yours. :)
  4. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Hello. I sent you by private message the link with the package that I created, so that you can test it and from there, I leave the management to you.

    I will write to him, because I had sent it to Luis privately, but I will tell him that after learning more about the update itself, you will be the one to talk to him.
  5. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    One thing I would like to comment... I have been able to observe when I saw comparisons of my laps in replays, and of the AI, and partly a problem for which the AI is somewhat slower, depending on which category it is driven with , is that for example with the F1 2022 of steamworkshop, in many areas they lose time for being for a long time touching the flat bottom as it is in the case of the finish line. It would be interesting to know if in some way some settings can be prepared in which the AI has the car a little higher to avoid that contact with the flat bottom, and not waste time. Without DRS activated in the race compared to me, at the end of the straight there is 8-9 km/h less on the part of the AI with respect to me, and this affects time, which is not much, it always loses. I think that is a reason why there may be 2" difference between pilot and IA.
  6. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    atomed likes this.
  7. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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  8. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    redapg likes this.
  9. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    OK. I'm learning more day to day. Thanks for help me. What I learn I already have in a list of notes so I don't skip any step until finally I don't even need it. Thank you
  10. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @Ruben Cerlem As said, it's almost impossible to create AIW Files that work perfect for all Sorts of Cars and some Things, like @Manfredk2 has referred to, can only be solved by the Car Creator or something like fixed Setups or fixed Upgrades, but not by any AIW Setting.
    I will test your AIW in DevMode later Today. :)
    Manfredk2 likes this.
  11. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Ok. Perfect.
  12. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I just did send the zipped Update Files to @Luis Barata , like we talked about it by private Conversation and he will update his Track in the Workshop with it, that no separate Update rfcmp is necessary anymore then.
    So the Folder 1.1CU1.1 with the Community Update can be deleted from the Folder ..rFactor 2\Installed\Locations\Barcelona2021 then.
    makan, pkelly and Corti like this.
  13. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    OK perfect. Well, now let's see if people like how the AIW has turned out. I have done some tests, and activating default settings, so that it detects the one assigned by me, plus the learning AI, I have made the AI improve and lower times. They improve the time I mean
  14. Marcos

    Marcos Registered

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Thanks redpag and Ruben for your great work on this track, we needed to have a good version of this circuit and with your great work we already have it. Now wait for Luis to update it soon to enjoy it as soon as possible.
  15. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Of course, the basis of the circuit is Luis, and redapg who has done a good job of textures and the problem of water on the track. The AIW has been distributed, and although I have tried to improve it, and it has been, there are aspects that I have tried, and right now I don't know how to solve it. It happens with some cars and not others. In the Campsa curve, when the AI takes the line using the right line, it sometimes takes it slower than it should be. I don't know if there will be any way to modify the average speed step of the curve, so that it doesn't make such a speed reduction, since in that curve to the right with that line, I cannot occupy more left margin because I have to keep distance with the corresponding parallel. For the rest... now it's much better I think it's out.
  16. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    I have modified after some tests, the right line where in the Campsa curve I had recorded the line as if I had a car in parallel, but after seeing several categories in reality, such as analyzing the AI itself, I could see that it did not make sense to maintain that line as if there were a parallel car. That is why I have lengthened in that case the exit of the curve to the outer curb. In this way, the passage through the curve of the AI is faster. And it is that in reality it does not make sense to maintain that parallel, because whoever takes the curve on the inside already has the good line to go ahead, and because a parallel on that curve on the outside, being an area with little rubber, I would not have the grip to be able to withstand such a parallel. That yes, before entering that curve, obviously if I have maintained the parallel. Before making this change, the AI whenever it took that curve on the inside, it was quite slow, but now the speed passing through the curve is higher, not like the fastest line, but the increase in passing through the curve is evident.

    By the way... in some curves I have observed that when a pilot enters a curve past, and wants to defend position, he crosses, for example, the track from left to right, from margin to margin. It is true that if there is someone in parallel, it respects it, but if there is no one, it crosses, causing braking and a different trajectory change, and causing a possible accident. Is there any way to reduce or modify that behavior of the AI in that action?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
  17. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Can it be that you mean the BLOCK and not the RIGHT Path?
    LEFT and RIGHT are only used in Formation and Safety Car Laps.
    And AI Cars crossing the whole Trackwidth, is normally caused by the BLOCK Path, when they are trying to defend their Position or sometimes also when they try to overtake.
  18. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    What I read in a tutorial is that the left and right lines simulate the line that the pilots must maintain for the parallels throughout the track. In fact, by modifying that line, now said Campsa curve, they don't pass it so slowly. However, I can pass only the AIW file to add that improvement that I have noticed when doing race tests with the AI. In fact, in none of the tutorials I've read does it specify that it was for that. Still, if that's up to the Block, can the lane crossings for positional defense be fixed somehow?

    If you make a video about it, since the rest of the lines will be recorded, I think it will have to be a blocking one, because I imagine that this one has some concept that escapes me. So...by modifying or recording a new blocking line, can you solve this type of aspect, be it cornering speed, such as those illogical movements of the AI to defend and overtake position?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
  19. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @Ruben Cerlem IF the LEFT and RIGHT gets used during normal Racing, it must be something that was newly implement.
    I have never heard about that in the Past.
    With the BLOCK Line it's a bit difficult, because we don't know the Games Code when it gets used and in which Way.
    You can influence the AI Behaviour only by adapting the Line in Relation to the FASTEST Line.
    BUT, again here, different Cars will maybe behave differently. ;)

    EDIT I just remembered, that i did make a "AI warming Tires AIW" for the ORP Track by using LEFT and RIGHT Pathes, in 2015.
    So if these Pathes get used while Racing, it will look very funny. :)

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
    DJCruicky likes this.
  20. Ruben Cerlem

    Ruben Cerlem Registered

    Jul 9, 2017
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    I have modified the Block line, and I have corrected some lines that caused senseless changes of direction of the AI, to defend as advancing position. Now it's fixed. In addition, the pace per lap is higher, at least with the steamworkshop F1 2022, I have noticed that the AI at 100% goes quite fast. I leave the link only of the AIW that I modified so that you can try it.

    redapg and DJCruicky like this.

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