SOLVED autoclutch is not disabling

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dockxys, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Dockxys

    Dockxys Registered

    Oct 27, 2021
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    Sorry for my bad English, but I hope you guys understand me anyway.

    I would like to know if there is any setting for which I need to press a clutch in the car when changing gears?

    I realized that there is no need to do this, and the car accepts as if I had the autoclutch active, but it is disabled.

    this is spoiling my experience when using an h pattern
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    No. The game will take the gear regardless.

    Some cars will limit the applied torque until you reduce it (meaning you need to lift off the throttle while changing), but that's it.

    There's a realistic gearshift plugin in the third party content section that allows you to set it up better. Short on time right now so can't link you to it.

    @Dockxys Haris linked to it below, I would say there are multiple versions of that program that give varying results. I settled on one of the earlier versions which worked well for me, I'll see what I can track down if you're interested.

    Obviously this isn't much good online if you want to try and ensure other people are doing it properly - that would require the game implementing it internally, plus you can't rule out people using tricks to circumvent it anyway. But I enjoyed racing others with it on regardless.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  3. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Registered

    Nov 25, 2019
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  4. Dockxys

    Dockxys Registered

    Oct 27, 2021
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  5. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    did you enable the plugin?
  6. Dockxys

    Dockxys Registered

    Oct 27, 2021
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    yes, i did this :/
  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @Dockxys when I get a chance I'll give you the version I've used in the past.

    @Dockxys For now please read this, and following if useful, posts:

    That's the version I kept using as it worked nicely for me. It doesn't need the sharedmemorymap plugin (though it won't hurt to still have it), it works as I describe there (it 'presses' a key, you assign the same to Neutral, and that's it).

    You'll have to go find that version and its configurator (?) from the source site.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2021
  8. Dockxys

    Dockxys Registered

    Oct 27, 2021
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    Well, I downloaded this version (V1.5.27) and without success, the executable doesn't even open, I'm giving up on this simulator.

    I'm going back to the raceroom, thanks for the help guys
  9. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    This thread is the perfect example, why there needs to happen something in this area asap @Marcel Offermans. New users who come from other products and want to try out rF2 think that it is a bug and that autoclutch can't be disabled. In fact I tried this plugin yesterday and it didn't work for me either. The only thing I got was the grinding sound. Besides that, a new user shouldn't have to lurk through a forum and install 3rd party apps to get a proper solution for his or her clutch application in a racing sim in 2021. This needs a native solution that is shipped with the product and there is no excuse that we have nothing implemented in rF2, that prevents users from shifting through the gears in H-pattern cars without clutch usage. People buy expensive h-pattern hardware just to find out that rF2 has no implementation for it. I mean, how long are you going to fool people and tell us, that the hardware has limitations? This is supposed to be the pinnacle of racing sims, so please do something about it.
  10. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Can't disagree, but that program should work. I'll check it again.

    It's not the best solution, but at least it's something that can be used now - not next year/decade.
  11. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @hitm4k3r @Dockxys

    Still not taking away from the post above which is absolutely valid, and the lack of movement in this area of rF2 since release is frustrating. But while there's a workaround available it's worth helping to make it work because, well, there's the workaround or nothing.

    On the Gearshift releases page, grab the Grind_default.wav file, then go down to release 1.5.27 and grab the 2 .exe files. Put all 3 files somewhere accessible and safe.

    Here's mine under a folder in rF2, hadn't grabbed the .wav file yet:


    Then you want to run 'Configurer' , which will appear with nothing set:


    Select your shifter controller, then for each of your gears (including Reverse) click the corresponding button, select the gear on your controller, then press Ok. It should show the button number. If it doesn't pick it up, wait a second or two after selecting the gear before hitting Ok. If it still doesn't work, check you've selected the correct controller.

    Then do the same for the Clutch controller, hit Select clutch, press your clutch pedal, and hit Ok. Again it should show the axis number.

    Then, for the moment, change Clutch bite point to 50. Hit Save configuration.

    Here's what mine looks like at this point (note I have different controllers for gears and clutch):


    You should have a gearshift.ini beside the other files now (from hitting save), and it should look something like this if you open it:

    You can close the Configurer and its command window now.

    It's now ready to test outside of the game, just to make sure it's configured correctly and adjust if necessary.

    To do that, run Gearshift.exe. A command window should appear confirming the configured controllers and its status, so then open a Notepad window to test. Like this:


    Now, time to see what it does. Without pressing your clutch, move the gear stick into gear. You should hear a 'grinding' (if you have the .wav file) and see zeroes appearing in notepad as long as you leave the stick in gear. Like so:


    If you don't see any zeroes appearing, the clutch may be backwards (it's expecting up to be down, and vice versa). In that case, open up the gearshift.ini and change reversed to 1 like this:

    (Note: not 'reverse' - that's an error on this build of gearshift. Ignore that one)

    Save that file, then restart gearshift (close the window, then run it again). You should now get the expected behaviour. Depending which way is which you may need to press and release the clutch once to get things in the right state.

    At that point, you will find that if you press the clutch all the way before engaging a gear, nothing happens. If you don't press the clutch you'll get the grinding (and zeroes), at which point you'll need to centre the stick and re-engage the gear with the clutch pressed in order to avoid more grinding when you release the pedal. (just pressing the clutch pedal will stop the grinding - but you're now pressing the clutch and would have no power applied to your wheels. Release the clutch and the grinding will return. So you need to centre the stick at some point...)

    I set the clutch bite point to 50 initially as it's best to avoid any potential deadzone when setting it up; at this point you'll probably want to adjust it. 50 is pretty forgiving, almost to the point of making the whole process a waste of time. I ended up around 90 which means I need the clutch nearly fully down to successfully engage a gear, and this also matches the way the game works (the bite point is very low on the pedal). If you had to reverse the clutch you may need lower values instead - I'm not sure which way it works. Just experiment a little with Notepad while gearshift is running.

    If you've got to this point, you're just about all set. You can go into rF2, assign Numpad 0 to the Neutral control, and drive with the shifter knowing you can't get away with cheating (I highly recommend testing that it's actually operational when you first jump in the car in a session - throw it in gear without a clutch and confirm you have grinding. A few times I did a number of laps and then realised I'd forgotten to run it...).

    You can of course choose a different control for it to press for Neutral, and configure rF2 to the same control. Again for initial testing purposes the default Numpad0 works well. If you can't get some other key to work it's something about that key, rather than the program, as long as you got Numpad0 working first.

    It's not perfectly realistic: you can't rev match, it doesn't know what the current car can and can't do. Tony did talk about adding some support for different drivetrains but I imagine the lack of data you can get from the game makes this unappealing. It would absolutely be much much better for the game to handle this itself and have some vehicle parameters that help define the behaviour, but if you actually want to use a shifter properly this is what we've got right now. And having it 'right now' is, in rF2 terms, a pretty good thing.
    Radkappe likes this.
  12. Dockxys

    Dockxys Registered

    Oct 27, 2021
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    Thanks for the tip, it worked that way, I still don't have transmission damage but it's much better now.I hope that one day the rfacto can evolve and implement this option natively. Anyway, thanks for the help <3
    Lazza likes this.

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