I've already "fixed" Alex. That 'ignore' button is there for a reason you know. o_O
"Early Access" on 20 Feb, £24.99.
Wow, this is a big one, one of the biggest complaints I've seen levelled at the sim, soon to be gone. Great work guys!
Brilliant news, can't wait for this!
Perhaps tyre sounds are louder than you imagine? See 2:13 in this video. [MEDIA]
Geoff Crammond wants his first name back
A solid lock should be available as an option, crucial for some in VR.
It can't be that difficult can it? The view from behind the car already does effectively the same thing.
Thanks in advance!
hitm4k3r, Your analysis of polls is hilariously misguided. Do you really believe that if 125 people respond to a poll on a forum, and 81 of those...
Fantastic news! Haven't played RF2 since getting a DK2 and then Rift CV1, despite it being my number one racing sim. So happy that isi have seen...
You're not!
"Yes and I know how much every pixel is worth in flight sims" By 'yes' I assume you mean 'no'?
This thread just appeared on the Oculus subreddit today (it's not my post). The comment and the responses are completely typical of anyone with vr...
Separate names with a comma.