no one knows the problem?
Hello In my tires, textures do not change after a PitStop. Even if I brake heavily and is mature, nothing happens (demage) Here my settings:...
Hello I have one Problem with the Car. In the Showroom its all ok but on the track, show: [ATTACH] Anyone know what the problem is and the fix...
- Julian Groitzsch - Red - 69, 77, 18 - I love rF1 but rF2 is better and i love it to make mods, tracks, tools for this games :)
here my max file (2010) [ATTACH]
my trees dont rotate. What do i wrong?
for the road yes and bump, for the terrain, no.
ok thanks it works. @ethone I have set the specular power from 1.0 to 0.5 and i dont see any changes. What do you have a value from this setting?
thanks for youre answer. Because of 2 i have all wall material with one/zero but it doenst work. Because of 3, all 3 facts.
Hello I have 2 Problems and i have one Question. Why is this so bright? - [ATTACH] And why i can see other objects? - [ATTACH] The...
thanks it works :)
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