The nvidia Single Past Stereo must be a great option for VR users in Rfactor2. Tried in iRacing and the increase of performance is very interesting.
I've the same problem. I unninstaled the new GT3 (aston, 720, ...) , and it goes ok.
I have tx racing and never a problem. You only must push "detect" assign what you want and save your profile. If your peddals are fanatec for...
And a very bad resolution in bmw m8 mirros
Clean all the conectors of vr with an special spray for conectors. Have a look that usb are allways conected and windows don't close them.
Hi mate I am speaking about gpu not cpu, i thik the problem can be an OC higher in your 980ti
If you have overclock the gpu, try to put less overclock
Thanks MarcG, finally found the problem.
Hello Anyone problems with modify supersampling in rFactor and Rift cv1? When i charge the game the ss goes correct but when game is charged ss...
I put to see my own car by the mirros and when i break the car and watch the mirror i can see all my car in the mirros like there is another car...
Hello The mirrors don't work as the other version. I don't understant why in a very good job they don't waste a little of time in mirrors, but it...
The wear of tires on the grass is the same as on the asphalt.
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