Track variations from Day to Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tech G, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Tech G

    Tech G Registered

    Jan 19, 2017
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    OK, so before answering this, please assume I know a little about track evolution, temperature variation, and any other general stuff that can effect how a car behaves on a track. However, I am noticing more and more that a setup I spend hours developing one day that works well on a server or offline, the next days seem like its a totally different setup and require significant adjustment to get the same feel and behavior. Nothing has changed with the server settings or other options, the only thing that has happen is its a new day.

    This has happened to me numerous times with various mods and I am a competent enough driver to know something does not seem right.

    Any ideas if there is something in the game that could cause this or maybe even stop your setup from loading properly. And btw when this happens I do try too leave the server and come back and even load different set ups, etc, to combat this.

    I also notice this is much more pronounced if I do some setup work in offline, then jump on the race server, even though the offline settings are exactly the same.

    Any ideas?
  2. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Are you forgetting to save the setup and/or not reloading it and/or not setting it as the default setup for that track? (being an older guy, I'm getting quite used to fighting off bouts of old-timers)
    GrimDad likes this.
  3. Tech G

    Tech G Registered

    Jan 19, 2017
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    LOL, give me some credit :p. I do know and can manage the basics. This is a problem that doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen often enough on various tracks and with various cars (i.e. no obvious pattern). Like I mentioned, it feels like I have not loaded my setup from the day before, but I have, first thing you check when something feels different. I often have several setups saved when practicing, and no matter which one I load it feels very different from the day before.
  4. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    The only thing i can imagine is track rubber variation, other wise can be a consistency problem of your side.
    GrimDad and Guimengo like this.
  5. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Have you saved your controller profile in rF2? Loading every time you enter the track?
  6. rocky289

    rocky289 Registered

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Have you concidered there may be changes in yourself from day to day.
    I know my driving is better somedays than others.
  7. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    For sure, The last lap you do on day one, is different from the first you will do on day two. From your description it seems the "problem" is related to realroad setting. If the server has realroad progressing, every time the weekend is restarted, realroad is resetted to initial value.
    So for example: you enter the server at some point, some people already lapped, you find a situation. You go away and enter few hours later, situation changed as people continued to rubber the track. You go away another time, then the weekend is restarted, as you enter the server you find almost no rubber at all (depending on settings).
  8. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    LOL! Welcome to the world of psychological effects!
    Everyday is different for your body and mind! Everyday you see different, hear different and most of all feel different!
    No offend, but if you still didn´t noticed that then
    a) you are (too) young, or
    b) very too much convinced of yourself, but things like racing a car won´t work with that attitude.
  9. Tech G

    Tech G Registered

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Well at least that answers my question, no one has an obvious answer as to why this might be the case. However, the guys on my league forum discovered where the problem could lie.

    If you have a car or track mod that is not being auto updated on steam and if the server or your local machine have a different versions of the mod, this can obviously impact the way the car behaves and would explain why it is more pronounced going from offline to online.

    I knew it couldn't be because I am to old, or to young, or just to incompetent to load a setup! :p

    Consider this one solved for now and thanks as always for the great help you guys give here.
  10. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Wait, what? That's not supposed to happen! I'd expect a mismatch or at least a sudden download if the server version is "newer".
    Guimengo and SPASKIS like this.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    This is not possible as you explain it. You cannot enter a server if you have a different version to the one running in the server.

    From your description of the issue it seems more a difference of how much rubber there is on track.
  12. Skan

    Skan Registered

    Dec 14, 2014
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    Why would a track not vary from day to day? Rhetorical jokes aside, if you are truly spending hours on setup, that is the problem. Sitting in a chair for hours that is not designed to be sat in for hours can lead to making adjustments just to get out of the chair. The mental fatigue of repetitive setup testing can also cause you to think you had a good setup after hours of testing when in reality all you did was make it easier for your tired eyes, hands and feet to get the car around the track. You might make a "perfect" setup. This does not mean that same setup will "feel the same" the next day. If you are already tired or had a drink when you start a setup, rest assured that setup will probably be changed when you are refreshed. If I have completely missed the point and it is a change in the track on a per session basis, that is awesome and hopefully my tracks change enough to notice every time I drive. I set the time of day to random just for that type of surprise fun. ORP at 2am and old Spa at midnight for example. Aside from realroad, I see nothing on the track itself changing per session nor have I felt any differences other than grip amount which is normal as you already know.
  13. Tech G

    Tech G Registered

    Jan 19, 2017
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    This is an example of what I had in the installed vehicles folder for a couple of cars:


    The files in 2.0(1) was an older version of the mod and somehow, one version was either full or partially loading offline and another was loading from the server. Some of the guys in my league noticed this because I noticed when I was offline I could not adjust the Engine Mix setting and the Rev Limiter went to 6,900. Where as on the server the limiter only went to 6,600 max and I could now adjust the fuel mix.

    Anyway, I have deleted the older versions and it seems to have fixed the problem.
  14. Tech G

    Tech G Registered

    Jan 19, 2017
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    As I have been trying to tell you guys I know the difference between how a green track feels and when something is totally different in the setup. :cool:.

    Thanks again for all the help!
  15. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Ahhh, ok, now it's clear.
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yes, quite easy for multiple versions of a mod to get crossed/confused offline. Online will use exactly what the server has. Another reason to practice online :D
  17. Tech G

    Tech G Registered

    Jan 19, 2017
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    You say this so matter of fact. Why is it so easy for there to be multiple versions of the same mod, and why so easy for them to get confused? Anyway it's doesn't matter, as it solved now and yet another glitch I now know to look out for.

    As for practicing online, how do you think we discovered this glitch :eek:
  18. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Replays are one reason. New version of a car will result in the yellow temp car taking the spot of the old version if the old version is deleted.

    Really, though, it comes down to online compatibility. Server A that you joined in the past is using old version and when you first joined it, a VMOD was downloaded that contains a pointer to the old version. Server B that you join today is using the new version, so another VMOD is downloaded that contains a pointer to the new version (and you have the new version because either GETMOD pulled it down or you were automatically upgraded by Steam or you manually installed the new version ahead of time). The old version isn't erased because there's a VMOD still on your computer pointing to the old version.

    This is why it's a good idea to clean out VMODs from time-to-time or else you find you can't uninstall the old version of something.
  19. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @Tech G I'm not justifying it, I'm just saying how it is. I very much wish each installed mod were completely segregated from the rest and no crossing of files occurred, and hopefully that is a goal, but it's not the case now.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    When you select your car from the list before entering online or offline you can clearly see the version of the vehicle being used.

    You have been told that old versions of components remain there unless you uninstall them which requires, as well, uninstalling every vmod referencing those old versions of vehicles (or tracks).

    I presume by your posts that you never uninstall the vmods you use online. By doing so, you end up with multiple versions of every used component that may have updated later.

    It is very unlikely to reuse a vmod after an online race has ended. I would recommend to uninstall them all.

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