Isi please give us the option! Dont force it! Either option it, or get rid of it!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spinelli, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Nimugp

    Nimugp Registered

    May 27, 2011
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    -People want realism: In Real Life you have (in some classes, inc. F1) onboard laps including throttle/Brake data. Now all of the sudden people are complaining???

    -What really does this data tell??? Braking Point, Accelerating Point can be seen in the replay anyway. I saw someone mentioning the Technique, but that doesn't really matter as well if others now it right, because you set-up your car for that technique, don't you. Different set-up, and the technique probably doesn't work the same anyway.

    -Still afraid??? Don't practice online when others are on then, problem solved!!!!!
  2. John.Persson

    John.Persson Registered

    Oct 17, 2011
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    The replays/live view as it is now, is somewhat laggy and not really that good to use for getting the extra info.

    I was watching some others today, and it really felt laggy and not that great as a tool.

    The engine sound was like static tones up down up down and so on, and same with the pedal overlays, almost made me thought there was players driving around with buttonscripts for shifting, braking/throttling.
  3. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    AFRAID is the word that some1 else might find out something and then you get beat, well at our league we are (serious ) but were there to help any1 get better and hand out setups and any thing else that would be helpful to you. yes we have a few that are not willing to share and take everything you give. but you learn who are takers and not givers and karma comes back to bite them in the arse when no1 wants to help them.
  4. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Give the option to disable it please.
    And anyone who is against that option, don't effin use it and stop complaining about someone else.

  5. CdnRacer

    CdnRacer Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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    It is laggy. Not sure what people are crying about here.
  6. Ronnie

    Ronnie Registered

    Jun 15, 2012
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    Sure.. Everyone is a spy sent by commies to spy on you and watch your red and green stripe on replays. We should ban it. We can't allow those bastards take away our precious data and use it to spread their evil and beating the good guys. May the force be with you.

    Trust me. Everyone knows it that it is more of a gimmick rather than valuable data. Everyone is focusing on themselves rather than eveyone else, because that's where the gains are. I'm racing at the league and I've never seen anyone jumping ahead and shouting: "Thank God there is this OBLIGATORY brake/gas overlay. Now I will be 2 s faster and beat you like you are a little girl".

    It can be used to learn track by watching where you need to brake, where you shouldn't (Nice for weaker drivers). How much gas you can apply. Trust me... a good driver will spot it himself, he won't bother himself to watch you going around. It would be waste of time for him. He will be better off figuring it by himself. There are more ways to skin a cat than one. Yours is just one of many.

    Leave it as it is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2013
  7. CdnRacer

    CdnRacer Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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    He trail braked into the corner and was on the throttle 2m before the apex. Wow! Now I know his secrets! LOL. :p
  8. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    It has genuinely helped me find an extra tenth here and there in corners, in spa in the corvette it help me discover where and more importantly why I was loosing a total of 2 seconds around the track compared to the faster drivers.
    I'm not sure about my technique around some corners until I see how someone faster does it with visually detailed display of the amount brakes and throttle they apply and how they manipulating/modulating them throughout the corner.

    It's totally valuable to people who actually act on this by analysing it at this level if/when it's available.

    Yes, given enough time practicing I most likely would discover what's the best way to attack the corners and maximise the potential by myself. And perhaps that's the best way to truly learn/discover/hone your technique and consistency....but ignoring all that time exhaustiveness for a moment, I managed to almost instantaneously fast track my way way around a corner(s)/track that the fastest drivers are doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2013
  9. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Yup, exactly :)

    Guys, I'm not saying this will gain u 2 seconds a lap. Im just saying that when you are locked in a serious season long league, racing for prizes/money, have a few rivals that you have been desperately trying to beat all season long an are always within a tenth or 2 of each-other etc. etc., then in those serious/very close situations I wouldn't want my direct ricals to be able to view and analyse this info.

    Outside of those situations in casual races sessions I don't care about ppl viewing my info, plus it's great to help others, and to get help from others :)

    I am only talking about an option to disable it for those real serious times, when a tenth or 2 makes the difference from first to 7th during real competitive/serious times.
  10. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Why must it only come down to a "one way street" solution? Why not a choice per server setting to restrict such information if desired by the server, this way there is some choice at the very least. Or even a step further,
    have individual permissions to allow a server to broadcast your info if your perfectly fine with it (I would but the point is that not everyone does and depending on certain situations as have been voiced by others, I can understand why).
  11. CdnRacer

    CdnRacer Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Do you guys not understand this is laggy as F####? What you see isn't exactly what is going on. Whole lotta tears for nothing. Not to mention there are all kinds of laps on youtube you could learn something from. Maybe ISI should shut down those videos too? :p
  12. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Oh racer, your still missing the point with your example...even if the videos are from a fast driver who has chosen for any/all to see/analysis should they wish to, if someone then comes along to a server on that same track and car but is even faster then he/she still won't have had a choice but to share their info as if they have made a laggy video for all to see (again for people who analyse). Laggy or not, perhaps this is a little subjective but I have been able to take away useful information from those overlays whether you think that you yourself can or cannot or cannot be bothered to.
  13. CdnRacer

    CdnRacer Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Hard to go further without knowing what kind of laps you're putting down in the first place I suppose.

    I used to trade motec track reports with a league friend where we could compare laps which would help us with driving. That is much more precise.
  14. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Well, yes, but lacking that being available by default whilst in game without driver permissions to share such data, the next best thing is those Unrestricted pedal overlays, lol.
  15. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Exactly, I mean what's next? Having everyones setups to freely take whenever you want? Having everyones telemetry data freely available to download? Where does it end?
  16. Ronnie

    Ronnie Registered

    Jun 15, 2012
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    "...and dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance... Just one chance... to come back here and tell our enemies that they may took our pedal overlays, but they will never take...OUR SETUPS?! Alba gu bra!"

    Start a revolution mate!
  17. Jim Beam

    Jim Beam Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  18. Ronnie

    Ronnie Registered

    Jun 15, 2012
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    1. "Come at me bro."
    2. "You're such a PUSSY!"
    1. "Oh yeah?! Your father was a dog!"
    2. "Take it back!"


    View attachment 6306
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2013
  19. Diablo

    Diablo Registered

    Jan 20, 2013
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    I am with the OP. I had similar thoughts when I saw it introduced, but
    WiZPER actually has a point there. If TV Style Display plugin for rFactor 1 can give you that already, why not make it available to everybody and level the playing field. I have never used that plugin, thinking of it only as a gimmick, had I known its true potential... those bastards. ;)
    But back to the netcode, I think it would be impossible if that kind of data weren´t transmitted to all clients. Taking that as a given, I´d rather have this feature as is, because as long as this is part of the network packets transmitted - you could even disable exposition of such data by the plugin interface - there will always be someone willing and able to just sniff the desired information. Would you really give such people the advantage? That would be downright cheating and at the same time undetectable.
    Talking about realism, it happened not only once in real Formula 1 that rules were changed because they couldn´t possibly be enforced (at the time), think banning traction control from the 1994 season and reallowing it some years later until the advent of the McLaren ECU, when finally there was a way to enforce the rule. So, in a way, this is real, it just is a different kind of reality that comes with the territory.

    This one might be a bullet we just have to bite, I´m afraid. Unless somebody can come up with an explanation, how the netcode could work without this data.

    Kind regards,
  20. KeiKei

    KeiKei Registered

    May 24, 2012
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    That's the way I see it too. On top level of any competition in any sport it's plain obvious; you don't share valuable information with competitors. It's one of those fundamental things in any serious competition. Me whining here? :) I just want it OPTIONAL. You guys also fail to see psychological side of this issue. When someone is preventing his data from showing at casual races then for sure people are going to give some feedback about it - and the driver will eventually change his/her mind or go to other server. Likewise when someone is demanding data from other competitors in serious racing then others are going to have good laugh about it. Server admins could also force sharing the data - good thing for casual races and would prevent ar**holes like me from being there! ;)

    Schumacher vs Barrichello

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