Gmotor 2 Error - Multiplayer Custom Skin BMW M4 GT3 error

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by alexish657, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    Hey there, I'm at the edge of uninstalling the game, leave my racing league and sell my belove racing please send help..

    I'm racing in a racing league with the BMW M4 GT3. I downloaded some custom skin files on internet and I edited it a little bit. I think I'm following the correct way to create Skin directory and then to create the Team car with the .MAS file. However, everytime I join the league server I create the following error on everyone computers : (see attached file) : gMotor 2 Error - Invalid filename for texture ... [​IMG]

    What is very strange is that even if people are getting this error message, they are able to see my skin ingame as it should. However, another very strange thing is that the wipe action of the windshield wiper of my car are not correctly positionned as you can see on the picture

    I already try a lot of thing with the admin of the league and nothing work.

    EDIT : I forgot to add that if I select a regular RF2 BMW car no issue occurs whatsoever

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
  2. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    Also the problem with the windshield wiper which does not wipe the window correctly change everytime I delete the Skin folder and recreate it. The path of water change place on the windshield itself.... I really don't understand what is going on
  3. Shouldn't it be dds format instead of bmp? The error message shows file extension bmp.
  4. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @alexish657 As @StoneRacing did say already, bmp is the "wrong" File Format.
    But because it's shown as bmp in the Error Message, i would suppose that it doesn't exist at all.
    Do you have the File included in your Skin *.mas File?
  5. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    thanks for your reply.That's also what is very crazy with this bug.... I don't have any BMP file on my skin folder, only the regular and required DDS, JSON and MAS file and moreover, I don't have anything named in all my files ... I don't understand where this file is coming from. I also search in the Rfactor2 root folder for it and didn't find anything.

    Redapg, do you suggest that I renamed my file as the error message ?

    I have an important race this weekend. I will use a default skin and then I think I will need to uninstall the game again to fresh reinstall

    Edit : I re-read you post Redapg, is my error message can be a generic error message when a is not reconize by the game ? Does it mean that my is corrupt ? The region color in the original file that I downloaded was kind of washed. So I picked the color from the RF2 generic file and juste reapply, but I am wondering if it can be because of this.
  6. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
  7. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @alexish657 I have to say that i'm not working with these kind of Skins, that are packaged into mas Files only.
    The mas File from the above Post should not cause that Error.
    Do you maybe have more Skin mas Files for the BMW M4 GT3 in you Installation, where one of them has TEST in the File Name?
    BTW To uninstall and reinstall the Game will do nothing helpful.
    It should be enough, if you only rename the Folder, where all these Skin mas Files are stored, which should be the Folder
    ..\rFactor 2\UserData\player\Settings
    Rename that Folder, to keep it as a Backup and then start the Game, to get a fresh Settings Folder.
    That, at least, should "solve" the current Problem.

    But as said, check your Folder for other BMW M4 GT3 Skin mas Files that use the Term "Test" and remove them.
    Or remove all others and keep only the one that you did upload, to check if the Problem persists.
  8. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    yeah I already clean everything that I can. Every file that can be linked to the BMW skin were removed, I uninstall then reinstall the BMW file itself via content manager but still, nothing work. Another thing that the Admin of the league told me, is when he receive the .mas of the server, it doesn't seems to have the same size as my .mas file on my computer. So for example, my .mas file will be 3mo and on his side on the league server, my .mas file is only 2mo. So something doesn't want to transfer correctly and then causing error.

    Can a different color present in the Region file, instead of the correct red one for example can cause this error you think ?
  9. Filesize should be the same (more or less as we need to pay attention to blocking factor, but normally this does not affect it that much) - in order to get a "clean state" the file needs to be removed on the server, too.

    Make sure to enable "download custom skins" - I know it sounds weird, but in the past this had to be enabled in order to upload skins correctly.

    A different "red" in the region file should not affect file size - it will affect how this region is displayed and if it is under material manager control or not.

    edit: I am a little bit "out of painting" but I think the region file must end with - currently you seem to have named it ...

    edit 2: if you like you can refer to the videos I have done on painting in rF2 a couple of months ago - they are in German, but there are also a few ones in English: (and German ones
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2023
  10. Felix Schendel

    Felix Schendel Registered

    May 31, 2014
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    There is a character limit for skin file names. I'm not 100% sure how many characters are allowed. But it's something about 13. So BMW_M4_GT3_TEST are 15. Try to reduce the characters of the file name for the dds.
    Deleted member 58016 likes this.
  11. Just to add: _region is not counted afaik
  12. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    I will double check the Download custom state option, that may be the problem yes.

    Yes you are right about the naming, I correctly named the file in the RF2 folder, that is some I got in backup on another computer, but yeah I can confirm that I correctly named the file.

    about the file name character limit, yes I read that somewhere else. The thing is that I don't have anyting named BMW_M4_GT3_TEST, I don't know where this file is. I may in the past when I made test, I can't remember, but right now there is nothing in the Settings RF2 folder named BMW_M4_GT3_TEST. That's why I don't understand what is going on. Do you know where this file may be store apart from the User data/setting/.... ?

    I feel like I may have made a mistake in the past when uploading my first skin. However since, the file where remove 100% from the league server. On my side, I totally erase the User data/setting folder. I reupload using the correct naming and still I got this error. So there may be something in the Team info that still refer to and old file, but I don't know what and where.
  13. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    and about the Windshield wiper not correctly positionned, anyone know what is going on ?
  14. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    and about my initial error [​IMG] . Since this error is not on my side but showed on every other people on the server at the moment I join, is there a possibility that my new file is in conflict with an old one which can be stocked on people computer ?
  15. Hard to say ... maybe. The file will be downloaded to every computer / player which joins the same server as you do.

    As far as I understand you are creating the mas file with the skin with mas utility; I tried that only a few times, because IMHO using the team car functionality is most reliable.

    I can have a look this evening if you would like to send me the source files (I am using GIMP but can read PSD, too) and I can check how it works with the team car function.
  16. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    Actually, I tried both. I was using the in game team car functionality and both way give me the same error in the end.

    Yeah sure I will upload my PSD here tonight.

    I will also try tonight to clean the My document file and App data. The BMW_M4_GT3_Test_region error may come from there
  17. Now it becomes a little more clear - sorry should have read it more carefully ... if all other players get the error concerning BMW skin and you do not have any (mas) file named like this anymore, I would say it is a message generated by a package downloaded from the league server.

    You can try to join of our community servers (just search for justfair oder racingjustfair) and I will join later on and see what happens (and what is uploaded to the server).

    Also cleaning appdata and my documents folder may solve the problem but I wonder if.

    Sounds so strange that the solution must be pretty simple ;-)
  18. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    oh ok great thank a lot. I will try to join tonight. And yes I got no error at all on my side. The error message is on every other computer who join the server while I'm in it.

    Also, if I rejoin with a default car, there no error.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
  19. alexish657

    alexish657 Registered

    Aug 3, 2023
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    what I don't understand too is why the Gmotor 2 error target a BMP file, which on my side, the only file I "change" by adidng a .MAS to the server are .DDS and JSON. The BMP file, if I'm right, is the original texture file of the BMW car. So it seems that my custom skin create an error at the source file of the car and not even on the .MAS itself.
  20. Highlandwalker

    Highlandwalker Registered

    Nov 11, 2016
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    You also need a veh file to go with the dds, region and json files. I used your files and created a skin and it works fine. If using mas files for skins a veh file is always required for each skin. Hope this may be helpful.

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