Released New Release Candidate Update - Client 7969457

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. williang83

    williang83 Registered

    Sep 28, 2012
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    It is obvious to them to say that. There is no software house who will freely declare iRacing rivalry because iR comparison will be unavoidable and honestly the GAP is too big for any SH today.

    That being said, let's all be honest, organized and more serious racing multiplayer platform is iRacing territory so whoever aims their product to be a competitive eSport is undoubtedly heading to the same direction where iRacing is, even if they denied it. With this honest thing in mind, so far rF2 multiplayer is simply a failure, you can try to turn it the way you want but numbers do not lie. They might come out in the future with a more success, but so far it is a total failure for many reasons. On top of it, there is ZERO incentive for single player due to the worst SP experience today in the market. Ironically even IR offers a better SP experience, albeit still limited, but still better than rFactor.

    The only reason why i still play around with rF2 is because i have it, otherwise even with all its pro i would avoid it.

    TL;DR; Awful SP, Poor MP => More like a driving tech demo than a game!!!!
  2. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Yes, when studio397 bought rFactor2 the first thing i did was to send an email and create a topic in this forum detailing about of the improvement that was important in the sim at the time, most have not happened yet, my hope is gone.
  3. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Sorry but i think that this is not true.
    Have the multiplayer system of ACC or PC2 the same direction that iR? Are those a failure?
    Furthermore, as @Rui Santos said some posts ago, the multiplayer system in rF2 is not only the CS. There are a lot of succesfull leagues around Internet.
    atomed likes this.
  4. adi rany

    adi rany Registered

    Dec 15, 2021
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    Do not forget guys that rfactor 2 is now owned by Motorsport Games and that things may be out of control.
    The nascar ignition thing should be punished by law. I am afraid that rfactor 2 is going in the same direction.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
    ebeninca, DaREALMastaD and Mauro like this.
  5. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    Pretty surprised the real changes in this RC have not been documented.

    When I first ran it, it went back to using "Auto" selection for the graphics. When this happened, the loading screens had gone to 60Hz (which is the monitor refresh rate), where they had been down at 10Hz before. But also once on the track, it was also running at 60Hz, back at the session review screen it was running at 60Hz. So I went and changed the graphics settings, to select my actual graphics card not Auto. On restarting the sim, the loading screen was again at 60Hz as was the session screen at the track/review, but now when I went to run on track, that was back to the 140Hz or so I had been seeing. However, switching to replay mode, whether or not the top/position bar and/or bottom/video bar is displayed, the replay is always at 60Hz.

    Whilst its good that the screens are now 60Hz, I'm not fully convinced the stutters have gone away - its down sometimes to 59Hz or 58Hz, which of course isn't noticeable. But I'm damn sure the replay used to show at full speed (140Hz), so we've lost that. Since I suspect that 60Hz will also be used for esports broadcasts, I'm wondering if this was the cause of the failures in the last Virtual LM Race? And I'm also wondering why nothing was reported into why that failed or what had been done to mitigate it, given there is another one of those this weekend.
    atomed and lagg like this.
  6. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Iracing is taken as an example here, the only example Iracing can give is that you can still be successful despite bad network code and bad tire model. RF2 has in both points a much much better basis, but can not bring it to the man. Therefore I agree: priority number 1 must be to fix the existing bugs (even if it is fair to say that they are almost minor), priority number 2 must be to get all available official content to the same technical standard. So new and existing users can always have the same experience. The competition system is already very good and the races run well and without major problems, so this should also not be an obstacle to keep users happy. I really hope it goes in that direction, because quite frankly, even in its current state, for me RF2 is superior to any other sim out there........
    Art_Pereira, Binny and Nieubermesch like this.
  7. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    The problem with the graphics config in rF2 is that it seems to work somewhat unreliably in general, so you could get different results even on the same build. Things like graphics driver and order you have monitors plugged and listed may all contribute. I reckon some have reported they get different results after OS restart.

    The Virtual LM issues are purely online issues, almost certainly having to do with cars leaving and re-joining as teams perform driver swaps, as shorter online races have no problems. They did address quite many of them.
    Emery likes this.
  8. Binny

    Binny Guest

    We've got loads of stuff to share with everyone, from tracks, cars, updates and other stuff we expect you'll enjoy.. it's mega annoying to have to read people wondering "if rF2 is dead" when in reality we've got an enormous amount of goodness at various stages of completion. I know it rings hollow to keep saying just stay patient, I'd feel the same if I was on the outside looking in, but honestly, as first and foremost a fan of sim racing in general, and rf2 in particular, we really do have some great things coming - and plans are being drawn for what the next 12 months will look like too, and they are shaping up nicely too!

    Speaking on behalf of us all, we are so sorry not much has happened of late in terms of public reveals, and we can only ask you to remain patient - good things are coming, and they represent just the very start of what should be an exciting journey ahead"

    From Paul Jeffrey

    I wonder if they will share their plans for the next 12 months with the community ? LOL... Show us the community without tracks and cars only improvements ( fixes bugs core code physics tires rain AI VR ect.. )
    Sounds like another list getting made we will never see.
    How can you expect us to be patient when you never seem to listen to the user and go out in your own direction.
    Now no blogs into the future less transparency.
    Why was this not posted on the forum not all users use discord ?
    You even admit if you were on the outside looking in you would feel the same well well with your own words you know your failings what will you do to fix that with the community in the future as what you are doing is clearly not working ?
    How about working with the community to get long time issues put on a list to be fixed then we the community would feel you are listening.
  9. memoNo1

    memoNo1 Registered

    Apr 13, 2019
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    rF2 not started for weeks.
    And nothing has changed ..
    See you in a couple of weeks ...
    Perhaps. .
    dylbie and Binny like this.
  10. tobgun

    tobgun Registered

    May 15, 2017
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    guys, the waiting time is so much shorter if you would join a league in the meantime and work on your laptimes.
    I#ve been with rfactor since RF1 and never felt the urge to drive somthing else. I just appreciate progress when there is some and dont get desperate when there isn't. Main thing to me is this sim to continue. I buy all the DLC despite my league not using them. I want RF2 to stay around.
    Sitting on an old codebase that does the core thing (driving) right but does not have all the fancy stuff of newer platforms is a tough position I can relate to from the buiness I am in. Sometimes the most simple things require the heaviest lifting and it feels like there is no progress at all for a long time. In the meantime you need to still make some revenue to be able to pay for alll the development hoping to make it to the other side.
    I would also hope for some more open online racing activity but that really needs a lot of supervision and rules (I understand I racing has done a decent job on that one) Until then I prefer the leagues where you have to behave and destructive attitudes wont make you friends. I can only recommend this.
  11. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    The issue is not that there is a new UI, but it is simply not a very good UI. Some of it's issues were reported even before it went public and seemingly nothing was done to fix those issues or they simply ignored it. I have made enough reports and gave enough detailed feedback but I am simply tired to repeat myself at this point. If you consider that the UI has been in beta state for over a year now with very few progress it's just a bad impression. It even lacks some of the features of the old modmanager and basic features like a dark mode or a proper exit button on all pages, too many clicks to get going, clickable text, etc. Requests for basic features like a pedal overaly are rejected with answers directing to 3rd party apps. I mean, seriously? It's like a punch in the face.

    And the implementation of the labels and the new window shader once again showcases a very basic issue of S397 not understanding what is a gamebreaking issue and how bug fixes and features need to be prioritized. Do we want to make a bet how many people don't even reach a situation to complain about missing driver labels compared to gamebreaking bugs like the broken rule system and AI logics? How many people have complained about the state of the rainshader on the winshield compared to the issues that are still around since years? Now we have those two features wich don't affect me at all because I rarely use wet weather racing due to the bugs and the labels are a gimmick for me, pretty usefull for league admins, but the minority of rF2 users are league admins. We got new helmets while a huge backlock of content is waiting for updates. It's simply not understandable, especialy for people who have worked in software development. The stuff that is in the pipeline better adresses some long standing issues, as otherwise the decrease of the player numbers will be an ongoing trend.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
  12. memoNo1

    memoNo1 Registered

    Apr 13, 2019
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    All these perseverance slogans are just annoying.
    Nothing just happens.
    Nothing innovative, no fixes or improvements.
    AIW files rarely work.
    Let's see what the December update brings.
    The greatest FFB plus physics is useless if the rest doesn't work.
    Eternal loading times.
    Complicated UI.
    No choice of opponent.
    Building rain races is complicated, coupled with the long loading times.
    Monza AIW the 2 Lesmo, still crappy.
    Did I pay for that?
    All of that just scares me off.

    I haven't felt like rF2 for weeks and there is no improvement in sight.
    I prefer to leave my time and money with RRRE.
    Much less complicated and it works!
    I'm sorry S397.
    These are just facts from my point of view.
    dylbie, Travis, DaREALMastaD and 4 others like this.
  13. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I am actually more interested about what is going to happen with NASCAR Ignition game, because it is obviously an absolute priority for MSG. Who knows how it will turn out.
  14. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    rubbish like codemaster does
  15. mixer61

    mixer61 Registered

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Driver's labels works not in VR ? Why ?
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Because they never did, so while they've redesigned them they haven't managed to make them work in VR.
  17. memoNo1

    memoNo1 Registered

    Apr 13, 2019
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  18. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I hope they can add fireworks, it's a must have feature, very useful, don't waste time about AI fix, physics updates...

    With the new helmets PBR, the new safety car, rFactor 2 will be very complete.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
  19. mixer61

    mixer61 Registered

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Too bad, it is precisely in VR that it is necessary
  20. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I find them pretty useful on screens too :)

    I don't know how hard it is to make them work in VR. Do you? I'd think if it were easy they would have done it.

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