Released December 2020 Build Update

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    All the official S397/ISI cars should have a full color icon. Many of the 3rd party mods also have the pictures but that is the responsiblity of the mod maker, or in some cases, users. Only when there is no image to use(which is a somewhat complex process) should you see cars draped with a tarp. If you want to see more cars with icons, contact the original mod-maker, S397 cannot create the pictures themselves due to either respecting the author's or just not willing to task team members to the time consuming task.
    DucMan888 likes this.
  2. Richard Busch

    Richard Busch Member

    Oct 12, 2010
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    davehenrie likes this.
  3. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I am not sure if I would call the UI a complete desaster at this point. Calling it a mixed bag might be better fitting. I had only one issue so far when I hit the windows tab after the first boot of the new build. I lost the mouse cursor aswell. Tried to reproduce it but it works perfectly now. Doing everything for the first time seems to be a bit slow (loading the showroom for example) but works reasonably fast after that. To be completely honest, I am thorn apart a bit on this whole UI subject. I am not a fan of the whole structure with two race tabs, two watch tabs and two community tabs on the same page, while all of those options lead to different windows. It's clear that the UI is propably designed with tablets or smart phones in mind, thatswhy you have all the scrolling stuff. But tabs leading to different windows shouldn't have the same titles. Correcting this is a must. Same for the mod manager that still doesn't offer the option to select or Install/ uninstall multiple files. Sorting the installed collumn still doesn't work aswell. The server browser still doesn't show cars/mods or tracks, let alone session information. The competition system needs to be seen, but you can't leave the server browser in the state it is right now. Why are there still no options for FCY, safety car thresholds and the like in the race settings to offer a smoother workaround for problems that are mentioned in basicly any topic related to rF2 currently and would make sense anyway?

    It's nice to see that they tried to stick to their plan, but all the negative feedback and complaints about the new UI should propably be taken as an indicator that this could have been managed differently. Ofcourse this is allways easy to say from the comfy chair at home, but I allready predicted it with my last bigger feedback post in the UI thread. At this point I gave them the benefit of the doubt, but when you release something to the public not labeled as beta anymore you got to deliver. Now here is hope that the competition system works nicely, but I am expecting issues aswell. Wich might be fine at first glance, but fixes and adjustments need to happen faster, otherwise we see more people asking for a refund, wich propably wasn't the goal of the new UI.

    Anyway, with all the criticism said, I hope that the public release of the UI and the comp system free up some manpower to finaly get the long requested stuff sorted. The new Eundurance bundle and content upgrades show that S397 is on the right path, even if some of the development seems a bit clunky at times from the user perspective. Thanks for the work and see you on track. :)
  4. RNeves

    RNeves Registered

    Mar 16, 2013
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    I still can't change the gear ratios on the setup screen.

    It would be nice to see this problem solved soon.

    Also, it is great to see the foundations os the competition system being finally implemented.

    Keep up the great work.
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Are these not working for you? They work here. Which mod?

    RNeves likes this.
  6. jjcook

    jjcook Registered

    Apr 12, 2012
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    the new ui is crap why force it on us ?>
    McFlex likes this.
  7. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Which cars? Some cars have locked gearboxes so changing them is not allowed.
    RNeves likes this.
  8. Flatspotter

    Flatspotter Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    I tried the new UI for the first time today. Not too bad. Everything is very spread out, which I don't think is an improvement over the compactness of the old UI, but it's livable.

    A few observations:

    1. The asterisk next to the current track setup folder is gone. This makes it hard to figure out what the active folder is when you're copying a setup from another track folder. Please put it back!
    2. I can't figure out how to set the AI strength per car/track combination. Please tell me this feature wasn't removed! It's super critical to us offliners and was one of the best things ISI added to the game. I don't want to have to load the old UI and then write down the AI strength for hundreds of car/track combinations!
    3. It's too white and bright, as others have noted. When you race in the dark all the time like I do (makes the room disappear), it's blinding.
  9. djvicious

    djvicious Registered

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Oh did they add the graph back for the gear ratios? Thanks goodness! That was what was keeping me from permanently switching to the new UI, even though I like the new UI. I haven't had a chance to play since the new update.
  10. Ferrari312

    Ferrari312 Registered

    Jul 20, 2015
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    I'm looking forward to the day when the new UI is polished and easy to use. The fun starts now I suppose since its default. First off, S397 has to get rid of or modify the dueling menu bars that are named the same but have somewhat similar yet different functionality underneath them. I've personally not seen something that confusing in an app and it seems so unnecessary to me but maybe I'm missing something.

    Can you imagine if the next MS Word came out and looked like this with two menus with the same labels but with slightly different functions under each?
    McFlex likes this.
  11. Ferrari312

    Ferrari312 Registered

    Jul 20, 2015
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    This one makes no sense to me either. If the old UI can display the thumbnail for an older mod, the content is there somewhere for the new UI to read it. Would be great if the new UI could check the old location for thumbnail instead of giving up and showing nothing.
    Elcid43 likes this.
  12. Francesco Cherubini

    Francesco Cherubini Registered

    Dec 3, 2020
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    Ok, can we now focus for a moment on the competition system? I mean I can see just 3 races per day with the Tatuus. I mean we have plenty of GT cars...
  13. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    They are just testing out the system atm. There will be another series AFAIK. But the tatuus is the free series at which we tested the pre-season (before it actually should've been released) and marcel is working on a fix now to make it work correctly
    atomed likes this.
  14. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    This one makes no sense to me either. If the old UI can display the thumbnail for an older mod, the content is there somewhere for the new UI to read it​

    Welcome to the world of plugins that work fine for single drivers but mysteriously can’t be loaded for secondary drivers hoping to take part in an endurance race via the HotSwap facility... Nothing to do with the new UI in this case, but inexplicable (other than audience size) as to why the same logic that works in one place/version/situation isn’t or can’t be extended to another.

    On a more positive note, although the new UI is a mixed bag (car labels? Text-chat in menus? Custom livery race kicks? Breakable controller-load button? No car select in online races? The list goes on....) - I do recall when rf2 first emerged from ISI. I paid up for a lifetime licence on the spot and we continued to race rf1 online for quite a while as rf2 jiggles were fixed.

    Continuous development has been the name of the game for a long time now - if you want big step changes with nothing much happening in between (in a very tough year....), try picking a game that incorporates the year-number in the title...
  15. Francesco Cherubini

    Francesco Cherubini Registered

    Dec 3, 2020
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    Nice to hear... Let's wait and see this afternoon then...
  16. -SlottenHeimer-

    -SlottenHeimer- Registered

    Dec 22, 2020
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    For those of you who had issues with white screen and "power exit" to desktop:

    Last night i spend 'some hours' trying to find a reason for this.
    Long story short. My conclusion was that every time i try to install and run the new UI with steam/rf2 beeing installed on any disk other than my OS disk (C:/*Whatever*) the new UI won't start up. Symptoms as described in line 1.. :) (Dev mode and old UI works as normal)
    The above was a total wipe of all games and a re-install of steam and then rf2.

    Doing the same thing on any folder at the system disk works as a charm.. (tried with different paths on c:)

    Not excactly saying this is a holy grail for others, However i replicated the symptoms 3 times. (wiping/installing 1.2 TB) :D

    Anyway. Merry X-mas!.. :)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  17. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    My install of rF2 is not on the system drive, and it works.
  18. Stefan_L_01

    Stefan_L_01 Registered

    Nov 18, 2012
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    Indeed - but there are still some change icons highlighted for locked gearboxes, e.g. some "-" buttons on the gear tabs are active, while the "+" is disabled.
  19. Balazs Magyar

    Balazs Magyar Registered

    May 8, 2017
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    rF2 should generate car icons automatically. I'm sure this will be the case soon(er or later).
  20. RNeves

    RNeves Registered

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Tried on the GTE cars and I can't change the gears.

    Also on LMP2 and the new DPI.

    Maybe it is something on my game install or something?

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