[REL] DAMPlugin for rF2

Discussion in 'Other' started by Lazza, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Data Acquisition for Motec Plugin (DAMPlugin) V0.931 - Mar 2023

    This plugin generates Motec i2Pro compatible log files. This is not a Motec product - do not contact them for assistance!

    Automatic Installation (preferred) - manual installation down the bottom if you get a virus warning:
    • Download the DAMPlugin Handler .zip file attached, run the included DAMPlugin_Handler program (it will request Administrator access) and follow the instructions to 'install' it.
    • In DAMPlugin_Handler, Add an rF2 folder, then Install the plugin to it. The required sound files will also be installed to your rFactor 2 data folder.
    • To update an older version of the plugin, you need to click Uninstall, then Install.
    Now start rFactor 2 (single- or multi-player) and the plugin will be active with default options. Quit rF2 and you'll find a DAMPlugin.ini file in your UserData\player folder with options you can change. Some options are detailed below.

    Telemetry Marker

    With the plugin installed, in rF2's Settings -> Controls -> Devices menu you'll find a Telemetry Marker option. Bind this to a key or button and when you press that control while driving the plugin will place a marker at that time. You can press multiple times to record different values, so for example a double-press will be recorded as a '2' in the log. The time/location is only accurate to 1 second, and only one marker per second can be recorded.

    DAMPlugin.ini options:

    This file will be created in your player folder when you start the game with the plugin installed. Multiple player profiles will generate their own .ini files.

    By default:
    • Logging is enabled on startup (Ctrl-M toggles logging, when in the car)
    • Log files are saved in the rFactor 2\LOG folder (it creates this folder)
    • The current garage setup is saved to the log folder (same name as the log itself).
    • Logging status is announced in a male voice.
    • Data is collected at default rates, precision and range, which should be fine for general purposes.
    • No 'extra' channels are logged, to save file space.

    The DAMPlugin.ini file has comments all through it. These should be the first reference for the options available. Here is more info on some of those options:

    Channel Configuration

    The global Data rate option sets the frequency of logged channels. The default value of 3 results in useful rates suitable for general purposes. For better fidelity try 4. A setting of 5 will log everything at full speed which probably isn't required, while the low settings of 1 and 2 will limit some analysis. Higher settings will produce bigger log files.

    Base Channel Config: Each of the 5 base channel groups can be recorded in 3 different modes: normal, extra-precision, and high-range. Settings other than 1 will produce larger log files.
    • Normal (1): standard precision and value range to suit normal use.
    • Extra precision (2): A similar range of value as normal, but extra precision for more accurate logging. An example use of this is fuel consumption rate, which can be logged quite smoothly instead of requiring aggressive smoothing in i2Pro.
    • High range (3): some vehicles or environments may produce higher than normal data ranges. A large truck, for example, could produce suspension positions that are outside of the normal working range and would lead to wraparound without this option.
    Extra channel config: A number of extra channels are also available, which are divided into groups. These may be useful for specific analysis types but are perhaps a little advanced for basic purposes, while some others are really just logged because they're available without any real use I can foresee.

    Full channel list: https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/damplugin-for-rf2.49363/page-2#post-819448

    You need to enable any of those groups you wish to log by changing the corresponding value from 0 to 1, 2, or 3 (as described above).


    The plugin comes with Male, Female, and Beeps folders containing the various sounds used to indicate logging status. Custom sounds should be placed in their own folder(s), following the same file naming convention as the included files.
    Avoid using the standard folder names for your own sounds, to avoid overwriting them when installing the plugin again later.
    You can enable message center notifications (so a text message on the message center will tell you when logging is enabled or disabled) but bear in mind this is only visible when in the car.


    The log files are compatible with any recent versions of i2Pro. Very old 1.0.0x versions will have lap timing issues, plus various other bugs. Upgrade!

    Known Issues:
    • Data is collected during driver swaps, but due to an rF2 bug the logs aren't built until exiting the game. The same thing also happens offline when restarting a race during the formation lap (at least).
    Anticipated frequent question:

    Do I need to run DAMPlugin_Handler every time for the plugin to work?

    No. I'm distributing the plugin this way to reduce incorrect installation, and the handler makes it easier to install/uninstall (it 'finds' the rF2 folder automatically). But you don't need to ever run it again after the plugin is installed.

    Manual Installation (if the automatic doesn't work please let me know so I can try and fix it)
    • Download the ManualInstall archive attached to this post.
    • Drag and drop the Bin64 and PluginData folders (in the archive) into your rF2 folder. That will put the files in the right place.
    • OR,
    • In the archive, go into the Bin64\Plugins folder, and extract the DAMPlugin.dll file to your rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins folder.
    • In the archive, select the PluginData folder and extract it to your rFactor 2 folder (rF2 doesn't come with a PluginData folder, so you're creating it). This folder is required for the sounds to work.
    Note: your rFactor 2 folder should be here: <your steam folder>\steamapps\common\rFactor 2

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
  2. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks, Lazza!

    I'm currently using your previous motec plugin and loving it, not having any issues with it, so my question is: why would I choose this over the old one ? (except for the setup storage, which is cool)":)
  3. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Not many reasons at this stage to be honest :)

    It does have the missing tyre longitudinal force I never got into the other one, a whole heap of extra channels some people might think they want but will probably never use, and it works with the latest i2Pro version that doesn't really do much more than the slightly older ones, though in a generally slightly friendlier fashion. The last i2Pro update I tried was mainly bug fixing.

    Some future stuff might make it more appealing, and the major rewrite was needed to allow for a few of those.
  4. TJones

    TJones Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks a lot Lazza!

    Very nice installer. Everything is working fine, no issue so far!
    For analysis i use i2 Standard 1.0.21.
    I will experiment a bit with .ini-options now. :)

    Well done !!
  5. newtonpg

    newtonpg Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks, Lazza!
    Many, many thanks...
    Downloading now.
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The other one that some would find useful, and I alluded to in the first post, is the option for extra precision in the logging. For slower-changing values like fuel load or even tyre temperature this extra precision can help with tracking changes to values. I know when developing a 2014/15 F1 mod trying to log the fuel use rate was difficult because it needed a lot of smoothing to get some sort of curve, which then introduced a lot of latency. With the extra precision you can just about use a derivative of the raw logged values and get good results.
  7. sugarfoot

    sugarfoot Registered

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Thanks for developing this Lazza.

    Much appreciated.
  8. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Cool, thanks for reply and development :)
  9. Diogo Oliveira Falcão

    Diogo Oliveira Falcão Registered

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Thank you very much for sharing with us, your plugin is a must have.
  10. alpha-bravo

    alpha-bravo Registered

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Lazza thank you very much for the continuous further developement of this plugin. :)
    It's a absolut must have plugin!
  11. Jernej Simoncic

    Jernej Simoncic Registered

    Feb 6, 2013
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    Is it possible to get ride heights with this? I only see suspension position, and I'm told there is supposed to be ride height also, but it's not in channels.
  12. Ho3n3r

    Ho3n3r Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    What's the difference between this one and the one we've been using all along? Honest question, because if it does something better then I'd use this rather, otherwise I don't wanna screw up what I have which works fine.
  13. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ride heights are in the Suspension1 group, you can turn that on in the .ini (= 1 will give you normal logging type)

    At the moment there's not a lot of difference. The way it works is more efficient but the previous one wasn't very taxing anyway, it just means I can add more (optional) channels in future without slowing it down.

    I never put the tyre longitudinal force in the previous version so some might find that useful, this one also logs just about all the available values (a lot of them aren't really traditional 'telemetry'). Also you can log with higher precision which can help with certain channels that change values quite slowly (like fuel, tyre wear, possibly tyre temperature) to make the graphs a lot smoother. And a lot of the channels are in (optional) groups, so you can log extra channels in an area you want without needing to have tens of other channels you have no interest in. Or just switch them all on ;)

    *Thanks fohdeesha, I knew I forgot one... yes, this plugin is also compatible with the latest i2Pro versions (1.1.x) which are a bit friendlier to use in some ways. And since a couple of months ago they can automatically open logs in a monitored folder too (just like the old ones) :)

    **Annnnd :rolleyes: the setup is saved next to your log (by default, can switch it off) so if you're looking back at laps from 3 days and think, "Hmm... I wonder which of my 34 setups that one was on," you can go and grab the setup from the log folder. Probably worth renaming it though, the name will be a bit ugly in rF2... lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2015
  14. fohdeesha

    fohdeesha Registered

    Dec 20, 2014
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    woooo! Finally I can use the latest version of i2 and not have to maintain two separate installs

    thanks so much!
  15. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Can I leave original install as well or is it a case of delete old and install new?
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Which? The plugins? They might try to create the same files so best to remove the old. Though if you make sure the log folders are different you could have both. Seems overkill though :)

    i2Pro? Can have 1.0.x and 1.1.x both installed.
  17. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    For the moment I renamed the old motec plugin DLL so it would remain inactive and installed the this version. Is ride height of the ISI Renault F1 not able to be seen?

    You also mention that vehicle setup is saved with the log file. Can you expand a little on this. How do I connect the log with the setup?
  18. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I don't know about specific cars. Regarding ride height in general, it's not part of the base channels that are logged (there are also no ride height graphs in a fresh i2Pro project). If you turn on the Suspension_1 group in the .ini file you will get ride heights logged. Of course if the car doesn't support it those channels will just be 0.

    If you go to your Log folder, you'll find the .ld files, and identically-named .svm files. Those are the garage setup files for each log.
  19. newtonpg

    newtonpg Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks Lazza!

    Running fine here while I have two little issues...

    (1) Setting "Use class subfolder = 1" and runnind BES 1.1 mod or WTCC 1.1 mod (didn't try others) I got this error log:
    07/18/15 16:35:25 Error: Can't create output subfolder
    07/18/15 16:35:25 Error creating file:
    07/18/15 16:35:25 e:\rFactor2 VPG Challenger\LOG\MP4-12C\2015-07-18 - 16-35-25 - RaceRfactor Monza 2014 - T.ldtemp
    07/29/15 08:13:14 e:\rFactor2 VPG Challenger\LOG\WTCC 2008\2015-07-29 - 08-13-14 - RaceRfactor Monza 2014 - T.ldtemp

    (2) Setting ALL [Base Channel Config] = 3
    "Fuel Level" oscilates along lap, like a sin curve
    Note: Initial Fuel load was 70 liters witch was "filled" when running
    Note2: Setting Base Channel Config to 1 or 2 works as spected.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2015
  20. Fred Nakuni

    Fred Nakuni Registered

    Jun 8, 2015
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    Hi, thanks for you're good job :)

    Just a suggestion: a great feature would be to log the real FFB strengh (like the plugin "pedal overlay") for configure FFB force via Motec.

    (sorry for my english)

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