Released December 2020 Build Update

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Dec 22, 2020.


    DEBOTTAM GHOSH Registered

    Nov 10, 2020
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    when can we see some serious improvements and value additions to the default HUD? It is in the roadmap, but the many other competitive sims have much informative and useful HUD.
  2. John R Denman

    John R Denman Registered

    Mar 18, 2018
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    We used to do that with some mods in rF1. One of my favorites was the =ZIMSA= mod, but it wasn't JAVA based. JAVA was pretty good back when Gosling was the master at Sun Micro, but it's gone downhill with Oracle.

    I'm just hoping S397 can find a good solution. In the mean time I'll continue buying mods to support them.
  3. TTM

    TTM Registered

    Dec 20, 2012
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    I have been used new ui since first release of it. My first thought was.. Awful, but after few days i got used to it and i wouldn’t want switch back to old one.

    New ui is still unfinished, missing few things, it’s a little bit slower than old one and loading times are longer, but give a change to it...

    I only have one suggestion. Hopefully someday user can change few colors on it. :)
  4. Se7en89

    Se7en89 Registered

    Aug 30, 2019
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    RFactor2 do not start anymore from the new hotfix today
  5. Ludo21

    Ludo21 Registered

    Aug 6, 2019
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    For me it's OK....
    But I installed this morning in: RF2 / Support / Runtimes, vcredist 2013 application ...?
    Now everything is working fine ...
  6. DucMan888

    DucMan888 Registered

    May 5, 2017
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    We now have 8 pages of mostly Awful, can we get some suggestions other than bring back the old UI please? If you expect change, and S397 has made it clear they are looking for input,try some constructive criticism by offering a possible solution.
    Happy Holidays, Safe Safe and Healthy and Santa is bringing me a C8.R today.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    Hocician, DriverJay, Reiche and 2 others like this.
  7. -SlottenHeimer-

    -SlottenHeimer- Registered

    Dec 22, 2020
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    That has been an issue for me since the first beta UI. nothing has ever changed just a slight bit since. Todays hot-fix included.
    have tried with fresh install of OS, Drivers and RF2. (no plugins, ws item etc. etc)
    Same result with all different variations of screen resolutions. I've been around all known corners and advices from post and rumors.

    I7,7700K @ std. 4,2 GHz
    32 GB. DDR4 (4200)
    Asus ROG 1080 (8 GB)

    I'm surviving with the old UI, but i'm just worried what happens when that one is out for good..
    Attached, a zipped short mkv of the visual side of it..
    Br. Michael

    Attached Files:

    PinPointGenie35 likes this.
  8. Berger

    Berger Registered

    Nov 23, 2020
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    People have lives. We live our lives and than we have about an hour an a half here and there to enjoy our pastime with rfactor 2. We like to find it in a state we left it. Because when you have actual life, spending an hour on adaptation to new enviroment is too much. And it pisses us off. Because, someone, all of a sudden, without any warning whatsoever just ripped an hour of our life away.
  9. GeraArg

    GeraArg Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    And the Endurance Pack 2... :p

    Reiche likes this.
  10. buddhatree

    buddhatree Registered

    Dec 22, 2011
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    I don't post here much anymore but I couldn't help it after this take.

    LOL dude "without any warning"??? They've literally been warning us about this FOR OVER A YEAR.

    Btw, we ALL have lives.
    DriverJay, Reiche, Comante and 3 others like this.
  11. John R Denman

    John R Denman Registered

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Its a slippery slope for S397 from what I can tell. Efficient interface development requires a roadmap for feedback process. Functional flow diagrams, panel layouts, and in some cases a keystroke recorder in the Alpha stage to augment Bug Reporting. Over the years the coding industry has taken all sorts of shortcuts sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. From what we've seen so far its not working out that well. I can understand trying to keep some of the development components under a level of secrecy, even with proper Non-Disclosure Agreements. So that leaves us where we are.

    On the other hand, having a Functional Spec as the core of a Test Plan the first thing I start with on any customer project that requires software. It's a tedious document to write and initially manage, but by far the most cost effective way and shortest path to develop software such as the UI. I've watched the evolution of the UI and it didn't take long to realize they took the long road of shortcuts to complete the job.

    No matter I'll keep supporting S397. They're committed to developing the products on a shoestring budget in a very competitive arena.
    Atsuki, Craig Waddell and Reiche like this.
  12. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    Here's the problem, @DucMan888 ; the issue isn't about giving the team ideas for improvement. There are many ways to do that, and asking random people on a forum isn't the way to go about it. You create a focus group to design how you want it to work, and a team to go off and build it, then hand it back to the team who designed it to test it works as designed, and then its signed off by the owner of that module in blood that it's right. It's pretty clear this is NOT the approach being taken by S397.

    In my first example, it is the most basic of features; configuration of the graphics options, and applying them to the game session. This has a unique file to hold the values. The coding for this can be distinct from anything else. You decide how you want it to work, within the context of the entire Settings subsystem, and then you code it to make it work. Fact is, it still doesn't. Then you apply those values in the app. They've had issues with it enabling vsynch, almost forever. Mine is a basic problem of which mode (screen size) is being applied, and then having the UI consistently maintain the in-memory values when clicking around. It's the most basic level of coding, and its been done in a VERY sloppy fashion. It simply doesn't work because it hasn't been tested rigorously. No excuses for this, its just bad work.

    The next most important part of the sim is configuration of controls, and have your inputs work. I haven't tried this, and am afraid to touch it.

    Finally, we have configuring the racing session you want to start up. It's been stated right from the earliest days, that the list boxes for selection don't highlight the selected values (from what should be a multi-select list) for the classes of cars you want. We told them, months/years ago, that control just wasn't up to the task for which it was being used. We told them hundreds of times. It's still the same today; nothing has been done to create a new control. So the most basic task of selection for a session, can't be reliably performed by a user. Basic usability problem, not addressed or fixed. It's just not good enough.

    Given these most basic of issues, there's no point giving them lists of bright new ideas and additional features. The most basic ones don't work and haven't been addressed. They've been told this wasn't ready for primetime, over and over. And now they implement it 2 days before Christmas. As a management decision, its mind bogglingly stupid. As an IT professional myself, I've just got my head in my hands about all this.
  13. Berger

    Berger Registered

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Imagine you were a kid. A kid with lot of diecast race cars. That you always put on the same place. In the middle of the room for example. On a big piece of paper that has race track penned on itself. And you always expect to find them there. In the middle of your room. On your imaginary race track. And every day you find them there. Except that one day when mom decided to vacuum clean your room, and she just tucked all the diecasts in some box and put them on the shelf. And rolled the paper race track an put it in the corner of the room. And than you came home from school you find all that mess that she just created and she just says "I have been warning you for days that I will vaccum clean your room"

    How would you feel?
  14. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Except.... we are ADULTS... and should conduct ourselves as such.

    If in multiple roadmaps they have said they are going to make the new UI the default... then one day they make the new UI default... can't say I'm surprised it has been made the default.
  15. Karlis Vitols

    Karlis Vitols Registered

    Apr 4, 2019
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    after build my favorite servers are gone and i CANT ADD SERVER TO FAVORITES... function dont work...
  16. IronKnuckle124

    IronKnuckle124 Registered

    Jan 3, 2019
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    At least the gear ratio setup page has been fixed lol.
    Emery, Pauli Partanen and Wanderpoole like this.
  17. DucMan888

    DucMan888 Registered

    May 5, 2017
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    I agree @burgesjl there are better methodologies to problem solve and continuous improvement other than an open forum. I trust that they do have a focus group and testers, I also would like to think this is just another tool in the tool box.
    My two cents worth (I'm going to be hiding under my desk here) is that an open source platform that allows communities to mod and share without a vetting process is probably the issue here, outside of the UI topic. S397 is constantly trying to improve and responding to complaints some of which may be self inflicted by installing and running mods that may be causing some of these issues.
    John R Denman and atomed like this.
  18. Wanderpoole

    Wanderpoole Registered

    Oct 17, 2012
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    We had our first League race with the new UI and drivers had to call out their positions so others could follow the instructions on the slow info screen. please return the vehicle labels.
  19. Wanderpoole

    Wanderpoole Registered

    Oct 17, 2012
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    From the roadmap:

    Closer to release we will be publishing a much more detailed guide on the benefits (and known issues) with the new UI and Competition System, and we strongly advise players to migrate to the UI sooner rather than later in order to become comfortable with the layout and features presented, and to help us with feedback as we drive towards maximising the potential of the system.

    -- Studio 397 is collecting beta testers, even though you may not realize it. Where is the much more detailed guide? I have never seen a complete detailed guide to anything in rFactor2. Still waiting to hear about Vehicle Labels.
  20. Richard Hessels

    Richard Hessels Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    I'm really missing the thumbnails of the cars at the selection tab.
    All mods and skins had some thumbnails with every car in the old UI.
    Now i just see loads of grey cars, even the official content still has some grey curtains.
    Just out of esthetics?
    Especially for a simulator that has been available so long they should still be shown.
    Loads of great content won't be updated just for the sake of a new icon pic.
    They could still be made fitting within the new smaller frame.
    So at least we have a indication what car we are selecting.
    Ok it looks a bit less cool, than free standing cars.
    For my personal liking the new UI looks bit to much as a console navigation.
    Many pages with loads of white screen.
    I rather seen one big screen with checkboxes and pulldowns.
    Juergen-BY and Elcid43 like this.

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