just tryed this old track. historic layout was much better than modern nice conversion and no bad road mesh EDIT: i read you have reworked road mesh i found this recent video:
Hi, thanks for this great track. Really fun and good quality even not finished. The track shows some texture bug in current RF2, such as transparent trees that overlap on other objects, as well as some black\purple textures. I wonder if there is any chance author could make an official update to this already good base track. Anyway, I managed to fix the tree issues, steps below to anyone interested: Extract ZOLDER79_GMTS.MAS file, and open(import as objects) those files in 3dsimed: bush_02.gmt bush01.gmt trees_01.gmt trees_02.gmt trees_03.gmt trees_04.gmt trees_05.gmt trees_06.gmt Then in "Main menu > Edit > Editing Materials" select "TREESA" and click Edit. On the right panel "Material List > Shader > DerictX Shader", change "Bump Specular Map T1 Stamp Vertex Alpha Test" to "Bump Specular Map T1 Stamp Vertex" and click OK. Then do the same with "TREESB" "TREESC" "TREESD". Next in "Main menu > Export > rFactor2 > Save rFactor2 Objects". Finally drop all newly saved .gmt files into ZOLDER79_GMTS.MAS and done. after fix:
We already have a good dx11 update by philrob (all permission given) Zolder 1979 updated by philrob (dx11, bugfix, textures, logos, etc...) Zolder 1979 v.0.82 http://www.mediafire.com/file/ah8shtlcec9a80c/Zolder79_v.0.82.zip/file mirror: https://mega.nz/#!zxYyBYzQ!ioxYdMKHNfQKDp3JslTadHRnviPCJ2e8vI5AHifyPr4
some guys ask about this Zolder Historic v.0.86 by philrob: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6t44avg3pqfnekn/Zolder79_RF2_v086.rar/file https://mega.nz/file/qkIlwTRI#pe_aAPFOgUfO5Odo5Jq8zdAoYQ1vqyRcof3FyOYll4w v0.86 reflectors updated wet file haze added new TDF updated scn/gdb latest standards many TDF, VIZ errors fixed start/pit light update some rescaling started PBR texture updates material changes new RRBIN cbash and rrshd files recreated some textures json material files added spec/fres changes local wet file some screens:
Downloaded the file, put the folder zolder79.rfcmp into the packages folder. But i can't find the track neither in the mod manager nor in rf2 mod installer. what am I doing wrong?
new ui -Content and settings -Manage content -Packages -newly inserted routes are at the bottom of the list -in red letters, because install!
Thanks Luprosx I know that procedure. But i found my mistake. I've moved my packages folder from a ssd (e:/) to NAS (w:/). Didn't saw the wrong drive letter. All good now ...