OK, I managed to make it work....just by copying my Userdata folder to dev mode, dont ask me why, but it worked And nice work mate, it's coming good Some part of the track seem slightly different (just the elevation of the road) than tracks from other games but I am not sure what the real tracks looks like
Thanks ^^ I'd like to know which parts you mean, and what other games/sims you are referring to in those locations. At this point, I'm still able to fix issues like these edit2: just watched an iRacing video, seems eerily close
You're right! I have checked it again and it is in fact right. I think that the lack of track side objects played on my mind Sorry! Keep it up mate...Zolder is an awesome track.
Hehe, well, more than similar I really can't get it anyway, unless I obtain scan data What I also discovered that field of view can distort how the track feels as well. When I'm driving the 370Z for example the track seems only one vehicle wide.. When I check my reference footage, and view the car from outside, I can go three wide on most pieces of the track easily, especially with the volvo's who could do 4 wide on some places. Yes, trackside objects are missing obviously, and the terrain which is missing causes things to look differently as well as elevation changes are less apparent now I guess. Also the lack of textures obviously, but I need to purchase a new video card first, cause this onboard thing sucks with photoshop and pretty much everything else
Zolder is a great track, I'll test this evening Do you from Belgium? Personnaly I prefere the old two first corner (before 2001)
Just to ask an opinion what people prefer. I found that google earth's location of Zolder is heavily distorted, causing some corners to be off by a couple of meters. The one on Bing maps is much less distorted and is probably closer to the actual circuit.* Would you guys prefer: - fill up the track more with the more important buildings and bridges? or - partly rebuild the track? In some cases, I will actually have to remove the kerbs to be able to neatly line everything up again. This here is exactly the reason why I haven't put any effort in creating textures and uv-ing road surfaces and kerbs Both options here are going to be dealth with anyway, it's just the order in which that I'm curious to know now. The buildings and bridges will all be built to scale using the new bing reference, so no work is lost there. * These satellite images will always be distorted in a way since mostly they come from different sources and have slightly different angles etc. Comparing, Bing has the much higher resolution and less distortion as well, leading me to believe that is the better option.
Depends on how bad the distortions are. Would your normal sim racer even notice if the corner is changed? If not build the objects instead. If it would be a noticable difference, by all means re-build the track. To me the track surfaces themselves (road, curbs, runoffs, ...) are the most important. I used to spend lots of effort and polys on insane track side objects that would end up looking beautiful but that are not visible in any meaningful way while driving or watching replays. Then I thought about what we're doing with rFactor (or any other sim). It's not a piece of software to render beautiful images to use as wallpapers. It's a piece of software to run races with, to enjoy lapping a challenging circuit. And that running doesn't happen on the mobile toilet 200m off the track, partly hidden behind trees and an advertising board. It happens on the road, the tarmac, the curbs, the runoff (when you're unlucky or ran out of talent). So there you have my opinion.
It is noticeable in 1 corner at the moment, the right side of the exit of the first chicane. In every other instance, it comes down to one straight being 5 meters too long, and the straight after the corner 5 meters too short for example. So no, not many will notice, if anyone. But I do I fully agree the road surfaces are the most important of all and the rest is just filler. The latter though is incredibly fun for me because I don't get to do that as often as I would like to. Seeing the road isn't broken or anything, I might continue doing the more important buildings first and having a go at texturing them (1st pass) already. That is, if nobody else speaks up edit: something else. Is there a checklist I can follow with things needed to bring a track ready for full functionality, gameplay wise? I'm talking prerequisites for AI, pitcrew, pacecar and all sorts of things which might be needed.
Hello, I don't have tested your track Make as better as possible, I think I'm not a specialist of track maker.
That goes without question It's just in which order would you guys prefer to have this updated that's the question. If there aren't huge complaints I will work on the pitlane for now. Working on this does mean there will not be an update anytime soon, since it doesn't affect driving.
The first corner needs to be a bit sharper, and the exit of the first chicane too (on the right). Glad you like it
The second/alternate pitbuilding: This one will not be used, the large one has enough pitboxes. Next up is to connect both buildings with the small medical center in between