Yeah, that's the obvious one, but if Steam Workshop subscription just installs what you subscribe to and never tells you what it's doing, then you're gonna have surprises.
I'd assume that if track/car gets updated and it is a linked to a vMod or two, it would break them I think. You can still update mods manually if it causes issues though I think.
Thanks for the correction, Alpha-Bravo. I guess it's not really a problem since Yoss was still getting the hang of Steam Workshop. The most important thing is that it's not a global problem with Steam or RF2. On a side-note, I'm surprised, especially considering how refined Steam is and how long it's been around, that A) Steam doesn't say what's being updated, it just says Steam Workshop Update or something like that (in the downloads section, and, B) You can't sort the Steam Workshop items by what you have (subscribed to) and what you don't have. So you're always going through the list of 10s (and, one day, 100s) of mods searching for one here, one there, etc. Weird.
So if I click subscribed items I'll see all items but in order from all the subscribed ones first then all the unsubscribed ones (or vice-versa, it doesn't matter)??... I thought I tried that but it only showed the ones I'm already subscribed to...I could be wrong obviously. Can anyone double check?
Now that older builds are available in steam as well, are modders considering uploading their work to the workshop?
Yes in my case. But... Can I upload to steam workshop without moving to steam? I am a steam user for other racing titles but not for rF2. As an admin I need to be very careful so I prefer not to move yet. Enviado desde mi GT-I9505 mediante Tapatalk
only way to find out, is to try this:
After reading it, it seems you just need to download the app to upload to steam and provide username and password. I will try over the weekend. Enviado desde mi GT-I9505 mediante Tapatalk