This is based on "Mario Morais's LIENZ GP"( l replaced roadsurface with Lienz GP's. l don't have steering wheel so l can't check FFB. Does anyone check it ? 24H layout v0.78 DL→ v0.8beta DL→ -v0.8beta working in progress adjust to IBL(PBR) -v0.78 fix ambient color, optimize vis group of some objects -v0.76 fix, fix dust color, fix pit/start light, set max vehicle to 63 -v0.75 added Digital flags, fix, fix dust color -0.72E change road shaders to PBR (Aos,Nm,Ova textures for cobbles and rdt made by Joan Prim Armengol. Thank you very much, Joan) add shadow of garagetents fix reflection of posts, cones known issues shadows of mountain reflection of some objects to wet load seems to be strange←fixed by SSR(release candidate) probe marshal←added degitalflag v0.75 or higher if you noticed other bugs, please tell me. wish list cool photo for loading.jpg(1920x1080)
I haven't done any laps with the AI yet. Just a few short runs with the GT3s, and it's pretty awesome. It needs a fresh coat of paint, but it is workable. Two things. There is some trees that are really close to the track that you kind of have to drive through the branches. I think that might have been part of the rF1 track. Those should be cleaned up. The second, the street signs and bollards are like hitting a rock. I don't think that is supposed to be like that. Are you planning any other updates?
Thank you for playing. Now street signs are not moveable, beacause l don't know how to define inertia of them. If l understand, l will update as soon as possible. Trees near the course are left because l think it's more exciting. if people saying "they are disturbing" are increased, l will clean up. translated by google translate
Good work. Does those hay bale walls have individual collision models or are they visual only, with smooth invisible walls for the real collisions? Also, for good FFB the track density needs to be much higher than a standard rF1 track. I haven't looked at this track so you may have done this, but I'm posting it in case you need to be made aware. A flat straight is probably okay, but for rF2 the track needs good physical detail for bumps, cambers, changes of gradient and corners. There's a conversion of Watkins Glen with a tight right hand corner that goes uphill and the FFB feels awful - lots of sudden changes which cause a knocking effect in many FFB wheels.
The license purchase page says it may take 48 hours to arrange, which is quite a short time in my opinion.
A great effort. It looks very good on the flat surfaces, but the slopes need to be clear. Does the puddle map allow that, or is it something that has to repeat like a texture map?
Yes. puddle map will repeat like other textures in my way. l have to unwrap UV to ch5 for using puddle map like 397's official circuit. lt may be need 3ds max.(lt might be impossible with blender 2.79b and 3Dsimedw)
puddle map fits over the entire circuit so it can be painted however you like. It doesn't need to follow the road surface. It has different UV coordinates than the road texture.
In that case it should be possible to set/scale the UV coords of the puddle map so that a blank part is stretched over the sloping areas. [semi educated guess alert]
Apparently you can paint it however you like.
Tuki, for setting up the new shaders you can use the material editor. I'm in the process of converting a track to new shaders so I could help you out.
Thank you, Joan. l know l can use Material editor for PBR. But l don't know about UV unwrapping with 3dsmax... If it’s ok with you, please help me...