in short i was on this server with 2 persons. this 2 persons apeared to be on TS, they where driving together in spark F1 long time. i was in EVE F1 and wanted to change to spark F1 to drive with them, then i use chat first time and say "wait let me get a spark" i disconnect and come back with spark. in the mean time one of the 2 persons left. the one guy left had mercury or something like that as last name. and i go out the box with spark, and he votes BAN, he is the only other person, the vote passes and iam friggin baned for doing nothing wrong. so since this was clearly work by a single brain damaged individual, i hope the actualy server admin can unban me and at the same time fix the votes needed to ban someone. make it so a single person cant ban someone if only 2 persons are on server please.
I am LEM@C admin and I am sorry for this problem ! Do you remember nick name of players ? "someone"_TLM ? Or other guys ? We will look in the server configuration so that this incident does not happen again !
this is what i hate about other servers on rfactor 1 and 2 why not tern the votes off in plr i have on my server.
yea great idea michael set vote on 100 % =disable votes and let all on the servers behave how they want set no pw to be admin also and it is nr 1 server that allow all things on your server
Holzvergaser, you are now remove from ban list ! Can u enter on server now ? We hope to see you later on the road ;p I will change value for voting in multiplayer.ini in order to resolve this problem !
@dydy77 you have a PM @all can you disable ban vote but keep track and session voting? a server without "any" voting is pretty unattractive unfortunately and id hate to see this ban issue disable all server voting on more and more servers as this will happen again on other servers iam sure.