I dont need stress. I have enough IRL thank you, if my hobby stressed me I would take up yoga instead *nnnnn* I havent done online racing anywhere except RF2 so I cannot commend. Mixing with everyday online random crowd in RF2 does not bother me, as they do the same silly mistakes I do, so we are even You do get the odd rude person there, but I swear its a rarity, as we know each other more or less. Anyway I mainly race at the servers of the league I belong and we all have a great time. We spend all week practicing and joking and we are having our sheduled races every Sunday, where we try to cut each others throat We dont expect everyone to be perfectly prepared or in top condition (personally I prefer everybody to be in bad shape so I come up on top ). For me that beats racing AIs 1000 times. Saying that, Im not sure you know what the Rift thing is about.
Considering how he's gone on to say that he'd be interested in using it in flight sims... I'd think he does infact know what the "rift thing" is about. Some people (myself included) don't get a good feel for how the car is reaction when the camera is shuffling around a bunch. This is why I'm not a fan of TrackIR, and will assume Andrew has a similar issue. I really don't think sitting at a computer looking like Ray Charles is an endearing concept either. Not to mention you're strapping monitors that are pumping blindness rays DIRECTLY into your eyeballs... Which will make your vision consistent with how you look while using it.
Mostly rf2 for me, but since I got triple screens recently I've been playing lots of different games: Planetside 2, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, RBR, Counter strike, and Amnesia:The Dark Descent.....mmmmm Amnesia... Eagerly waiting with extra underwear for the new Amnesia.
"People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing,.... I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round, I really love to watch them roll,..... Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind, I tell them there's no hurry... I'm just sitting here doing time,...."
For me the most important thing that indicates what I'm racing right now is what the respective communities I race with choose to run. Unfortunatly this isn't always what I would like to do the most. My favourites atm are the F1 cars in GSC 2012 and most cars in rF2. But since there's a lack of offerings in leagues and events with these sims I also still run Race 07 too which has still quite a lot of guys driving it.
Find me on steam (ron_roni) or on skype (faldurrio) if you wanna have a go with me guys. I mean all of you.
rF1 rF2 (mostly) R07 (BTCC cars) and for a change of pace Skyrim, Never Winter, MOH, Latest Lara Croft and EuroTruck simulator..couple of others Arma 2 and 3 but no idea what I'm doing either.
That's exactly it. In a sim you don't have any "seat of the pans" feedback, so the visual cues delivered by the fact you have a fixed cockpit frame of reference are -- to me anyway -- vital. I am not, however, a very good or fast driver. Many sim racers will not need as many safety blankets as I do to protect themselves from their own incompetence. I kept trying the TrackIR. I even bought two versions, because I *really* wanted to love it. But even for flight sims, where it really shines as an immersive tool, I found it too inconsistent to be useful. Or rather, my head movement were too inconsistent to make it useful. I just couldn't train myself to keep within the device's restrictions. The Rift should be better, because you should never (I hope!) lose the fixed reference point of your head being attached to your shoulders. But I can't help feeling it'll be prone to exactly the same issues as the TIR. I hope to be wrong, because I'll undoubtedly buy a consumer version even though the motion sickness I got in Half Life 2 (the only game I've ever suffered that with) has made me realise just how crippling that feeling can be. So it'll be a huge risk.
Mostly iRacing. Other than that, Chivalry, Arma3, Supermeatboy, Euro Truck Simulator. I usually just play rf2 when a buddy of mine is playing, otherwise I just go to iRacing for proper online races.
I've been focusing 100% online and 100% 60s F1. Never been more satisfied with rF2. Every week I concentrate on a different track and spend several hours practicing for Sunday races. Somewhat ironic is that the more my driving improves the more I benefit from practice because I am getting more and more technical with my driving and have so many more options and therefore am experimenting more with each track. While I used to hit a wall with my best time, now I never feel like that and even after practicing for hours I always get faster during official weekend events as we all push each other and even after all that I always feel I can do more because I am aware of more and realizing what I can improve and driving is becoming ever more a performance vs a craft if that makes any sense. If not then suffice to say I'm sure having endless fun with this incredibly deep and convincing physics model.
I run rF1 F1 1979 (have been since it's beta was released like 7 years ago) and Enduracers to pass the time waiting for the next build. 2 amazing mods. Can't wait til I can run rF2 anywhere near as fluidly as rF1 in those spectacular mods. For me 79 makes the most sense as far as drive-ability, setup, and the feel of the thing hurtling over the earth. Driving the FW07 on any track is rewarding beyond belief. rF2 definitely is better, and contains all the options, features and then some that we dreamed about ever since F1 Challenge 99-02. I'm patient, take your time make it good, I know you can. Go ISI. !
rF2 Euro Truck Simulator 2 iRacing for native oculus rift support RaceRoom for Bathurst and time trial challenge The rift head tracking feel very nature in rF2 & iRacing not like TrackIR, I find it no different than looking at the side monitors on my triple display rig. One of the important things that I will have to sort out is to make a height adjustable steering wheel to match the virtual wheel, it feel strange when the virtual world and the real world don't line up.